
LV 4
2022-08-31 Unido Global
Emblemas 8

Moments 8
1 months ago
Replied to Jazpex

Why talk about the European Union if the Chapter is about the United Nations?

When I did I ordered those systems and devices to send copies, if they had the capability to do so, of all said material back to a secure laptop I had set up at the Latverian embassy for just such occasions.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

1 months ago
Replied to Morg535

'Anno Domini' to be exact

(A/N: bNb= Before Naruto's birth, aNb= After Naruto's birth)

Naruto AU: The Smut And The Healer

Naruto AU: The Smut And The Healer

Anime & Comics · Sennengoroshi

3 months ago
Replied to Lone_Philosopher

Aren't Kaguya Clan descendants of Hamura like the Hyuga?

Somewhere in black space, Naruto had been traveling for a while now, in a sense, it was impossible to tell if days had passed or weeks. He did not feel hungry but felt relieved in a way as he thought that this was retribution towards his action for the killing of the last few descendants of the Otsutsuki clan. A few moments later he fell unconscious as he still kept traveling through the black space.

Naruto is Reincarnated

Naruto is Reincarnated

Anime & Comics · Indie131998

3 months ago
Replied to LuigiGalaxy

His name is Fat, has nothing to do with fanfic or whatever.

Este livro foi excluído.
6 months ago
Replied to promethius

2 would have made it (or in other words half), as the final test of ROOT is killing your partner I believe

However, when one of their farms was raided by the Leaf Military Police Force, and he retaliated by ordering an assassination of the person responsible for the raid, it all went wrong—the assassination failed and all he ended up costing ROOT four trainees who were an year away from becoming official agents—it was a significant blow to the organisation given that the trainees were lost in a failed assassination of a lowly genin.

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader

6 months ago
Replied to Sin_Vergil

Duy wasn't promoted because he couldn't really do Jutsu. While yes, he was weaker than Jonin Guy, Guy only was able to be promoted to Jonin because Duy killed multiple S-Ranks with the 8 Gates as a 'eternal Genin'. Otherwise Guy would likely be at most a Chunin (while being as strong as in Canon)

With the Eight Trigrams Divination Seal tested, Fujin decided, 'I should rest for the night. Though I am stronger, it'll be best to fight Raiga when I am properly rested. After all, that guy is someone who survived or managed to escape from Might Duy…'

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

1 years ago

First of all: I like the idea and story so far. But: imo the reaction of Ezio to the speech at school (Will of Fire) was kinda unexpected. I mean that guy leads a group of Assassin's with a few but strict rules, fighting against those that seek control. So it felt unnatural to me that he would agree with the concept of 'Will if Fire' without first questioning what this concept really means / how it could be exploited. I hope this story will be continued (no updates for 2 years) or rewritten (if so pls let us know autor-san) as it is really unique.

2 years ago

Well, what can I say: This is the first review I ever wrote, so don't expect anything overly great or meaningful. I really enjoyed reading this story (binged it in less than 24h), the world felt familiar yet different (I watched only ATLA, so I have no idea how accurate some LoK knowledge was/is, but I assume it to be pretty on point) the new characters were unique and entertaining and the changes to the timeline/story seamed logical and consequent. Some time into the story, I had a pretty clear expectation how the story would end (because I saw the name of the last chapter), but my expectations where wrong in a way that kinda brought this story to a satisfying end, while there is still more than enough room to write a sequel that picks up where this story ended. All in all, I recommend reading this story (the same is true for all stories of the author I read, but this is the first I finished) or at least the first few chapters to see wether the story catches you.