Different crime lol
After chatting for a bit more, Liu Xingchen left. Liu Xingchen told him that the day the Heavenly Joy Pavilion lets him completely off the hook would be the day when his name would be removed from the suspect list.
Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
He wasn't sure whether that was a blessing or a curse. Senior Sister Yun Ruo had used enchantments on him, and it hadn't worked. He knew it had something to do with the Gu poison. He shuddered to think what would have happened otherwise.
Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
Imo it’s easy to be jealous of the results of hard work, not hard work itself
Jake, however, took joy in this different method and the difficulties that came with it.
Games · HomieLv1
Just because her parents provide for her doesn’t mean that they should then be allowed to control all aspects of her life
Unlike other girls who were clueless and obedient to their parents, she had her own opinions because she was well-read.
Eastern · Smoke Painted
Not many people in mha have similar quirks though. Todoroki thought Izuku was All Might’s kid on the basis that they both had a strength boosting quirk and Izuku shouted smash. If such simple similarities can cause doubts or suspicions I think a quirk as unique as overhaul’s would definitely be figured out by those looking for it (Nedzu, AFO)
And finally, thank you to Mr_Night for the name suggestions! I really liked transmutation but I felt Revamp was a more quirk like name. It is a bit similar to overhaul but eh, future Nick problem. Also, think it matches since he Revamps his body in a way I guess? Or I am just trying to make excuses for using it.
Anime & Comics · EpicBean
Hero???? Yujiro Hanma???
Nicklaus walked through the dark back allies, his grey hood up over his head concealing his maroon-coloured hair that he had changed with his quirk. He couldn't do anything about his golden eyes but stretching out his features and making his face much gaunter meant that he practically looked like a different person altogether. Placing his hand on his chest he felt his quirk sense the structure of his body. Concentrating on the areas he wanted to change he felt his height change slowly, his body growing taller as his limbs stretched out. His athletic form became more wiry and gaunt to match his face. His hair curled a bit. His overly loose clothes reweaving and shaping around his body to better fit him.
Anime & Comics · EpicBean
The issue with adding a property to make your metal more workable/pliable means you also take away from its durability. If you can shape it, those who try and get past the metal can as well, whether it be due to its lowered structural capabilities or strain from the work itself
Mark was a support item developer. His hair was grey similar to his son's just a fair shade lighter. A few silver whites dotted around his ears from age. He made the items himself and he created the blueprints and designs to a level that the engineers could help finalize them. Since he was more focused on making the blueprints than the items themselves, they were always theoretically solid but sometimes were a bit impractical. His quirk was simple, he could bond two metals together to make the new alloy share properties. Despite how busy he was he did try to make time for his family. Although he was a bit absent he simply was just awkward in a way. Not knowing how to be a dad to such an unruly child.
Anime & Comics · EpicBean
No problem lol
"Ember," He grabbed her hand and took out the Darkest Night ring from his pocket, and then, he put it on her left hand.
Fantasy · AmDevilCrafts
Pretty sure he was talking about the ring
"Ember," He grabbed her hand and took out the Darkest Night ring from his pocket, and then, he put it on her left hand.
Fantasy · AmDevilCrafts
She’s used to being in an army that was divided by gender, the only thing strange/unknown to her was the level of coexistence. Treatment of subordinates wouldn’t change if the army was divided or unified, so she’s used to referring to her subordinates and superiors.
Keiko noticed that she used the way her superiors dealt with subordinates. She used to be a commander in the army anyway, and she understood how to talk to the soldiers under her.
I Became A Mech Soldier After Waking Up in The Future.
Sci-fi · BigMarch