Couldn’t he just look at his tamer skill and see if there alive?? It tells you how many tames he has soooo can’t he just look??🤨
Right. If what he needed to do was ascend to godhood or sell his soul, that was simply another step he needed to take. Another obstacle in his way. And he was absolutely determined to crush anything that stood in his path with every single bit of his effort and focus.
Fantasy · Kernoel_77
It goes form the ground: mercury, to the sky: rainfall, and finally to the stars: starlight. I guess he’s going to end up a star beast or something. \(^<^)/
[Name changed from "|Unnamed|" to "Mercury Rainfall Starlight". Confirm?]
Fantasy · Kernoel_77
I really liked the storyline you had going and do not wish for you to drop this book🥹. this is one of my favorites and I wish to be able to finish the story begin told😄. With every new chapter release I am incredibly happy and shall continue to wait patiently👍. Overall this is a really good book.
I love this book, it is one of my favorites 🤩. I am incredibly excited for any new chapter releases that will be coming out soon. Keep up the good work author👍
This book has the fewest number of comments I have ever seen in any book on this app🙃, yet it is fabulous 😚
"If possible, I want you to avoid killing any magic users. Disfigure them as much as you want, but I want them alive. I want to learn more about the magic they use, so keep them sane enough to answer questions," he added.
Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
I was wrong😑
With a swift movement, Bong activated his 'Shadow Manipulation' skill, conjuring a sharp sword made of shadow. He drove the sword into the back of the assassin, incapacitating him. Without wasting a moment, Bong sank his fangs into the assassin's neck, draining his blood to replenish his own MP. It was a calculated move to ensure his own survival while neutralizing the potential threat.
Fantasy · Promezus
Was it the boy that was bullied before that killed him??🧐
"Your Highness, I bring unfortunate news. I found the Assassin death body in forest. He had been killed by someone, a sword pierced through his back, " While bowing respectfully to Victoria, the maid conveyed the unsettling news with a demeanor of deference.
Fantasy · Promezus
I am so sad to have reached the end but will continue to wait. 😊
As the members of the council dispersed to sort out their various issues, Lucius turned his attention to Asclepius.
Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
I must inflict the pain of my reality to him him (*^*)
Este número foi suprimido.
Anime & Comics · ExistentialVoid
I like the story so far🙂, please don’t drop on me🙏🏻🥹
Teen Wolf: Blue Bird
TV · _Just_a_guy_