Kill that monster
"We received orders from General Esdeath to escort you," the orange-haired girl said, giving him a formal salute before introducing herself. "I'm Seryu Ubiquitous, a new recruit in the Imperial Capital Security Force."
Anime & Comics · PinkSnake
Can we just say kamui it sounds so much better
Realizing this, he activated "Intangibility."
Anime & Comics · PinkSnake
Fuck y’all magic build haters
Marika scoffed. "Hmph. Magic is for wretched scholars and cowards. 'Twould be best if thou didst remain upon the path of Faith. I can teach thee far greater things along thy journey."
Video Games · HeliosTheDepressed
Why are we shadow banning armor come on?
Actually there’s a great chance he’s in Heaven
"Obviously it matters!" Megumit turns his torso to point at him "It means that you're not my real father, only his 'information' downloaded on this body. A soulless shell... The core of my father's soul is probably in Hell right now."
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
This is why we use a shield w the sword
My head throbbed. Using Dismantle would end this quickly, but in these close quarters, a missed slash could bring the ceiling down. No, this needed blade work.
Anime & Comics · AkiraTensei
There’s only three women that I would guess Shiera (if she’s still alive), Arianna Martell, or maybe Val.
Since a lot of you have been questioning me about his partner, this is all I'm willing to say. There's really only one person that could ever fit with Karl. For those who've only watched the show, you won't be able to tell.
Book&Literature · Bleap
I mean sure if you can actually get him to listen to you.
'If my mother thought she could do whatever she wanted with Gael, then I could do the same with my son.' he thought, pursing his lips as he watched his son circle the Red Keep.
Book&Literature · Dragonspectre
A little slower paced so far but I really like the idea of the fic and it’s good so far
Anime & Comics · Zexxy