Are the () the total or added
: Distribution: 0(2) STR, 2(17) DEX, 0(10) AGI, 2(1) INT, 0(2) VIT, 2(7) MIND :
Fantasy · ScotchTy
Give it to sel
With a thought and a flick of his wrist, the two Omnipoison gems appeared in his palm.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
Is it just an overnight thing. I thought it would take like months
"I've got birbs to hatch, and the longer you keep me here, the more I will be forced to go off schedule, throwing my plans further off course." Rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest; obviously, Cynrik was the rudest of the group.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
{Sel needs 14,271,158 XP; and I need to use the remainder of my stock of crystals to see if I can power level my birbs, oh, by the way, I bought my Incubators finally.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
It’s chaos isn’t it
Unfortunately, when she tried to yank the creature up into the air, Selene lost complete control over the Mana-constructed thread. She watched in confusion as the Dark Mana suddenly became visible and was absorbed by the hazy Aura surrounding the Ogodoth.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
It’s on purpose
"Innnnteresting." A smile formed on his lips as he tapped on the Tamer Supplies tab. The topic of his two eggs had bothered him for months. Be it figuring out what secondary Element to give them or how he would hatch them; he was left helpless as the equipment was so expensive he couldn't afford it with either Credits or Merit Points. If Cynrik was going to nurture his little Nátt Hrafn into the powerful birbs he had in mind; then he only had a handful of options. Most of which involved him delving into dangerous scenarios or selling body parts.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
Why haven’t they given ice to sel yet then???
When an Affinity was Naturally advanced, it would still show up in his status as Fire, but there would be a fundamental difference; it would increase to Advanced Grade Fire.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
This was evident by the fact that the few times he had willingly activated his [Nephilim Mode], his mind blanked out, and he found himself in Benny's room, standing over his sleeping friend when he came to. After discussing it with Tobs, Brance came to realize that whenever he activated the skill, the Divinity Spirit would temporarily have partial control over his body. Finding out what was happening forced Brance to seal the skills and never willingly use them unless it was a last resort kind of situation. Which made him sad because it felt like he was underperforming. In contrast, Cynrik and the others could all use the full extent of their abilities.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
Did Benny say no to it in a side story or something
"Nothing in particular; I just wanted to hit the video with a quick scan so I could watch what exactly you were doing. Unlike you and Brance, who have [Mana Sight], everything happening is pretty much invisible; however, using a few programs makes everything happening naked to the eye visible. Using this method, I can better understand how to move through the steps and further increase my chances of Evolving my Water Affinity into Ice." Without looking back at Cynrik, Benny leaned to the side so Cynrik could see what he was viewing.
Fantasy · ScotchTy
God I hope cyn gets chaos by ch 700
"By having HolyFire and Abyss Affinities, many will covet your abilities, and even more will seek your death. Although my Academy has quite the backing, that doesn't mean people won't offend us to get to you, as you have already seen, thanks to the spies sent by Headmaster Jetlensr and Opurn."
The Over-Break System
Fantasy · ScotchTy