

LV 4

Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to listen about our lord and savior, Mr. Fool?

2022-06-20 Unido Global
Emblemas 8

Moments 588
2 days ago

Uhh, will it be the two princes and Sam's sister against Sam and Michael (And maybe Alexia?) or will it be everyone against the Goat Samael? Well, whatever the team is, it doesn't change the fact who will be the MVP.

3 days ago
Replied to The_One_Who_Was

Will he get close at the end of the novel?

Combine that with his unreasonably large Essence pool, fighting a monster like him is just unfair!

Young Master's PoV: Woke Up As A Villain In A Game One Day

Young Master's PoV: Woke Up As A Villain In A Game One Day

Fantasy · The_One_Who_Was

6 days ago
Replied to Ancient_Nightmare

She should have finished first before kissing someone else. She's the one in the wrong here.

9 days ago

With each chapter that passes, I like Mc even more

9 days ago

I hope the level at which he can control matter manipulation increases. He should also focus on manipulating things on an atomic level, rather than trying to manipulate them in large quantities (Create earth pillars and etc.), After all, this is an OP power if used wisely. Like, manipulating vectors, vibrations and electricity, because with this he can disintegrate the target by cutting the bonds of matter using vibration and electricity, Shut down the target's brain via vibrations and manipulate the mind using electromagnetism. He can even create atomic bombs if he searches on Google and improves his manipulation.If he had the same level of control Acellerator has over vectors, he would be incredibly versatile. Thought acceleration, Emotion control, accelerated regeneration, body modification (quick way to get strong), modification, transmutation and creation of objects and items, He can deconstruct two artifacts and combine them (like alchemy). Material manipulation is one of my favorite skills, but very few novels have it. That's why I expect a lot from Mc. Even if you don't want to make Mc so strong and broken, at least make him use it to train his own body, hurting and regenerating again, instead of lifting weights and running to improve strength and endurance. Well, this is just a suggestion, I'm really enjoying the novel.

13 days ago

Thanks for the chapter! Not to be annoying or badmouth your novel (which I really like), but I think the enemies could be better. Like, the battle against Roc was cool and reminded me of Shadow of the Collosous, but the other monsters are just boring. But that's not what I want to talk about, but rather the villains.A good villain/antagonist is what defines a work. I think it would be cool to have a villain who isn't caricatured but rather strong and charismatic that impacts Marik enough to further develop his character. They may have the last battle at the end of the volume where even after Marik defeats him, the villain still wins, Whether in the literal sense or in the ideal sense, where he proves that Costa's point is correct or kills the people Marik was protecting and blames him. Or maybe he could be a mirror villain, I don't know. This is just my opinion, please keep up the good work.

15 days ago

??? Will he start changing history?

2 months ago

This is the funniest chapter so far

2 months ago

Julien X Daliha is so cute it gives me diabetes (These two should be the only ones who have diabetes, not me!)