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Anime & Comics · CYANOMN1VORE
It'd be cool if the MC started his own hero agency with him & Midoriya along with other people and possibly OC's. There's a lot of possibilities there.
Hmmm, not really any dialogue out of the 16 paragraphs. Dialogues & conversations between characters are vital, it keeps the story flowing smoothly. Just a suggestion though.
Awesome, glad it's back, I'm looking forward to seeing how this all pans out.
This is a fun read, thank you author.
Hmmm, 4 chapters into this about the meeting with the Spider, and none of it has been about the meeting itself. I understand that there has to be build up, but I think dialogue with the Spider would have been more interesting.
Kaito smiled softly and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I understand, Carla, and I promise you'll get to see them. I have a plan. Just trust me and have a little more patience."
Anime & Comics · Night_Specter
I wonder if he could get the same information from the Senju compound as well as blood samples from Naruto.
Research and experiences on the Sharingan, Chakra, Chakra Control, Elements, Shuriken Jutsu, Strategies, Assassinations, Medicine, Eye Health, Lip Reading, Handwriting Copying, information on different Kekkei Genkai, Intel on Summoning Contracts, other interesting locations, and more. And these were just the general scrolls on random topics.
Anime & Comics · QuillArcher
Incredible chapter with incredible friendship/brotherhood. It'll be great to see their dynamic grow throughout the Clone Wars and how their trust will also be tested.
Those scum are going to take their punishment up the ass without any vaseline.
I Am Doom (Marvel)
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever