Wkwk nambah seru cuy ada aphrodite ceritanya jdi gk hambar
Wkwkwkwk tumven org indo nulis disini biasanya di wttpd Btw keren bro gw harap nanti ada charles yg asli buat bersihin tikus di pemerintah
please answer whether 400 chapters and whether all the chapters are cut off?
This is just a chapter that is cut for the third time Do you only translate it without looking at the contents?
This is the second time the chapter is cut
Don't make MC to become a football god, Experiencing some bad performances no problem
One of the extraordinary fanfic. One of the extraordinary fanfic.
Rudeus met Eris with Gino and had children I want to see the reaction
Allright !! I always think that Gino's sword does not match the level of Gino, but with a kajakut sword it is different I hope he keeps the sword
My sister Arisu Sakayanagi is a yandere
Anime & Comics · Great_Darkness