Webnovel Author: Knight_Riku - Fanfic Collection



LV 4

I'll always complete the FanFic when I start and never drop. You'll never beat me in Dark Souls 1, Git Gud Hackers!

2022-03-21 Unido United Kingdom

Emblemas 7

Moments 3750

Replied to Canine_9_6438

I'm talking about others u retard, and the author literally just said in a note Chapter for no spoilers, how thick in the brain cana person get

Liurna looked much different, I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. It was still the same; a massive lake region with that misty and magical atmosphere, but there was less "Death" feeling. There were more buildings I don't remember, several villages with actual people in it. There were also less shitty creatures that wanted to attack everything in sight. 

Elden Ring-After Becoming Elden Lord, I Am Rewarded With The Queen

Elden Ring-After Becoming Elden Lord, I Am Rewarded With The Queen

Video Games · Yuri_Lover23

Replied to GodSlayerPoseidon

he technically is. only after rhe removal of "love" (u know what I mean, no spoilers) Miquella changed in a drastic way

"If you speak of my Twin, Miquella, I can answer wholeheartedly." She said, "He is the Purest of The Pure. I fought for him, slayed his enemies, and defended his home with such ferocity. I was His Blade. But I am now yours. I love him still, but it was you who cured me." 

Elden Ring-After Becoming Elden Lord, I Am Rewarded With The Queen

Elden Ring-After Becoming Elden Lord, I Am Rewarded With The Queen

Video Games · Yuri_Lover23

Replied to Canine_9_6438

bruh, delete ur comment, no spoilers fam. other people don't even know yet and ur here ruining it

Liurna looked much different, I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. It was still the same; a massive lake region with that misty and magical atmosphere, but there was less "Death" feeling. There were more buildings I don't remember, several villages with actual people in it. There were also less shitty creatures that wanted to attack everything in sight. 

Elden Ring-After Becoming Elden Lord, I Am Rewarded With The Queen

Elden Ring-After Becoming Elden Lord, I Am Rewarded With The Queen

Video Games · Yuri_Lover23

Replied to Canele

Replied to Phantom_Zero_v2

Replied to ZJAY_1

which one. I've been stockpiling skyrim fic Chapters, I have about 90 chapters stockpiled. I'm gonna post 2 a day so I can focus on the other fics at the same time since I'm so busy and don't want to delay things, but I'm glad people are still waiting patiently for my return.

But let me tell you about that wolf-kin. She had charm stats that could make even the most stoic warrior weak in the knees. For a moment, I was completely entranced, lost in her mesmerizing gaze... until she opened her mouth and out came a deep, booming male voice. Talk about a plot twist! I went from being charmed to feeling downright bamboozled in a matter of seconds.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to Error_Error1

triple oof (Dark Souls death sound to "Finish Him")

But let me tell you about that wolf-kin. She had charm stats that could make even the most stoic warrior weak in the knees. For a moment, I was completely entranced, lost in her mesmerizing gaze... until she opened her mouth and out came a deep, booming male voice. Talk about a plot twist! I went from being charmed to feeling downright bamboozled in a matter of seconds.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to Jazpex

they aren't challengers. Author made mistake since this is Tournament world champion match, not for a title but as a qualifier round to move up the Tournament ladder.

—On my right is the human, King D-Kingson, as Challenger, whose magic prowess and brawn have made him a force to be reckoned with," the anchor continued, drawing attention to my opponent.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to XtrEEm


Death's eyebrows raise in surprise at my suggestion, but she quickly recovers with a nod of approval. "Ah, an interesting choice," she comments, her tone carrying a hint of intrigue. "The world of 'Overlord' certainly offers its fair share of unique characters and challenges."

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to

human Skeletons are the same, just Slime and different bone parts for pelvis and spine areas

Death's eyebrows raise in surprise at my suggestion, but she quickly recovers with a nod of approval. "Ah, an interesting choice," she comments, her tone carrying a hint of intrigue. "The world of 'Overlord' certainly offers its fair share of unique characters and challenges."

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to Abyss_Edge

Well yh, but the point remains. author should have said something, such a waste of character potential and plot

We started dating around 150-200 years ago. I'm not the best at remembering exact dates, even if I have an almost perfect memory, which is weird.

Shadow Monarch in Tensura

Shadow Monarch in Tensura

Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe

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