Webnovel Author: AnIdiotic_Genius - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4

Warhammer enthusiast and extensive reader of Lores...

2022-03-15 Unido Global

Emblemas 7

Moments 484

Replied to Shota_Prince

It literally means "deserving of public shame/disgrace"

"When the Prince came to visit me, he was joined by a rather lovely lady. A lady whom the Prince intends to marry in a couple of months," and he saw their eyes widen at his words. And Armando had been surprised as well. It was no secret that Lady Maegella, god bless her departed soul, had been trying to get the Prince settled before her untimely demise. Truth was that he and other elites of Bravos had been trying to do something similar, for having a dragon-riding Prince with wealth and influence like that was no small matter. It was also the reason they had nudged the Poetess towards the Prince, hoping that perhaps her ignominious beauty could sway the Prince's heart.

The Healer Prince : HOTD SI

The Healer Prince : HOTD SI

Book&Literature · Drkest

Replied to Danny_Garcia_3164

Aforementioned means whatever was stated BEFORE not AFTER that which the author specifically noted the Halo games states AFTER the game ends, I'm taking a guess thats's how the games work but I never played it

I nodded in understanding as despite the awesome possibly of traveling through space in what amounted to be a continent length Eastern Dragon winding through space with a pocket dimension within its frame to house a whole planet for us to live upon I was more mentally locked onto something similar to the Halo Rings from the after-mentioned Halo games without its galactic life wiping abilities and the after mentioned Biomass ship, I was originally planning on.

A Light Within Darkness

A Light Within Darkness

Video Games · Azazyel

Replied to crimsonitaci

Technically, no, what you are saying is a type of truth that is personal, an opinion that is made fact by lying to one's self. In the end, no matter how much you lie to yourself you cannot erase the true fact, even if you tell yourself that the sky is red and water is green, you cannot change the truth that which is unchangeable

Tom thought that he could combine that curse and his mark to create a way to tell when his followers are lying. The next step would be to somehow let Tom contact his followers through the mark as canon Voldemort did but better. Other than that, Tom wants to somehow be able to hide the mark from prying eyes. Tom doesn't need people connecting dots and wondering why all of his followers have the same tattoo.

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord



Like the rest of his kind, this Ork was tall, taller than the average man, probably two meters at height, with long arms and short legs, building muscles and green skin. From his jaws were lined vicious fangs.

Eldritch Creature's Guide

Eldritch Creature's Guide

Fantasy · Trafford

Replied to Foolish_Outer_God

True, this is a first that I've seen of the term "Three Titans of Creation" like I've read a lot of the lore but I've never come across that

Azathoth was a fair God; he didn't demand anything from Samiel, aside from souls he could devour to advance his strength and spread fear and madness.

Eldritch Creature's Guide

Eldritch Creature's Guide

Fantasy · Trafford

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