MADYETY - Profile



male LV 13
2022-02-09 Unido Global

Emblemas 4

Moments 33

Replied to idk_what123


This battle had seen the deployments of various new Military vehicles in a real combat situation which included the new drop ships, the unmanned multipurpose military vehicle, Spider tank, new fighters, new gunships, Spartan-IIIs, Energy Rifle, and the Energy Pistol. The combat data collected would help develop new technology aimed at fixing the weaknesses of the weapons and expanding on their strengths.

Halo Reborn

Halo Reborn

Video Games · Dr_Dred



How many of you are still reading this fanfiction? Type, +1. Can I get 100 comments? Who knows?

Batman x Arc Reactor

Batman x Arc Reactor

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc



The capital of the Slane Theocracy could be seen, its streets filled with crimson blood, and the large cathedral, once a holy site of absolute purity and faith, could be seen adorned with hundreds of human corpses hanging by nooses, its tall spires and gothic architecture perfect for the sadistic art peace.

I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

Anime & Comics · MarAuthor



The demons, devils, and their subordinate races claimed the northern and southern regions, creating strongholds in these areas.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor


New race maybe??

Solarian, observing this from the vastness of space, was quite surprised by the rapid evolution of the beings on the planet below. "Oh, that was pretty quick for these bugs to reach these stages of the mythical system," he mused, referring to the intricate systems of magic and aura that had developed among the inhabitants. 

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



Deep in the ocean's abyss, where darkness had reigned for for the past 3000 years, the sea floor trembled and groaned under an invisible force.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



By the year 3000, the once mighty Heavenly Kingdom had crumbled, succumbing to the relentless rebellions of the oppressed peoples it had once conquered, including the barbarians, the elves, and the western humans.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



Although the Aurion kingdom has unified the world, but they do not know that the bloodshed they have seen and committed until now was just child's play compared to what would happen in the near future.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



The barbarians, who had called this place home, were almost entirely wiped out in the night's massacre. Those who survived were either too wounded to pose any threat or were hiding, paralyzed by fear, amid the ruins of their lives.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor


Now to conquer the western kingdom and the elves


Now, the only thing left to do was to return to their homeland with the news of their victory, and from now on, an era had started, which would later be known as the "Era of Wars."

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor

Replied to Origin_Progenitor

Oh yeah Its coool

The Aurion kingdom had won, but the victory was pyrrhic. The cost had been immense, with vast numbers of their soldiers lying dead or grievously wounded. The survivors, though triumphant, were haunted by the horrors they had witnessed and inflicted. 

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor

Replied to MADYETY

Just without the roses

The Aurion kingdom had won, but the victory was pyrrhic. The cost had been immense, with vast numbers of their soldiers lying dead or grievously wounded. The survivors, though triumphant, were haunted by the horrors they had witnessed and inflicted. 

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



By late afternoon, what had started as a desperate gambit had turned into a rout. The barbarian forces were decimated, Their limbs were severed, heads were crushed, and blood flowed freely as the battlefield descended into a gruesome scene of carnage.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



The successful conquest of the north will mark the beginning of the era of crusades and wars. 

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor


This is how I imagine the Aurion knights


The Aurion kingdom had won, but the victory was pyrrhic. The cost had been immense, with vast numbers of their soldiers lying dead or grievously wounded. The survivors, though triumphant, were haunted by the horrors they had witnessed and inflicted. 

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



After obtaining this item, Oliver found himself in Chicago, which, for some reason, was where he ended up. As he had a mobile home, he wasn't confined to one state, but Chicago turned out to be the worst place for him. It was a nest of supernatural entities, and his focus shifted from technique to hunting demons. Yes, hunting demons. He was currently in an alleyway in the middle of the night, standing over a demon with red hide for skin, black eyes, and two black horns. The demon was constantly wailing and moving, but its hands and feet had been cut off by what seemed like a dull blade.

Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

Anime & Comics · Bulale_Abali



Hariu's devotion to the Supreme God and the Heavenly Religion surpassed even that of his father. Within just a year of his reign, he commissioned the construction of more churches than his father had in his entire lifetime. He mandated the Church's holy scriptures as compulsory reading in all educational institutions, thereby intertwining religious doctrine with the kingdom's educational system.

I become the Supreme deity at the start

I become the Supreme deity at the start

Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor



Chapter 55: They won't R*pe me, Right?

Overlord: Ancient one

Overlord: Ancient one

Anime & Comics · Clockwork_055

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