10/10 would fap again. Also link please for the original?
I've been reading google translated Chinese fanfics on Chinese websites and I can understand them better than this one.
Should be related to one of Akikan's fanfic. This should be the original but discontinued and picked up by Akikan. I already read the mtl and it's already completed. Anyway, great fanfic for me but timeline sometimes gets confusing with how many MC there are (if you know, you know)
Depends... Harem, yes. Otherwise, no.
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How can he identify a character from a hentai but not someone from a well-known anime?
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Arts school... living with aunt...
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Right? I mean, it's normal to be angry or something. MC here acting cool, undisturbed and "mature" makes him more like a robot.
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Thor Odinson = Son of Odin Phil Coulson = Son of Coul 😂😂😂
"Son of Coul, there has been a grave misunderstanding; I will explain properly."
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
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