I'm happy for your return, I was sad when you didn't update the old work anymore
I need more chapters🙇
It would be nice if the author sent more chapters, otherwise 😈 I'll have to take action
I'm really happy with the return of updates
author have you given up on your other works?, I love them
Friends my english is bad T_T, but I won't be discouraged. Forgot to let you know the poll can last between 1-2 weeks. So there's no need to rush. Happy reading or rest.
Este livro foi excluído.
great work author, now i'm sad T_T
Mano sua fanfic tá muito massa, eu tenho que dizer já é a segunda melhor se não a melhor ( vai depender de quando a sua acabar )fanfic de Harry Potter que eu já li eu fiquei 1 dia inteiro pta ler tudo os 217 capítulo e é melhor mandar mais te amo baitola 💓
This story is amazing, I spent 3 days marathoning it, I anxiously awaited more chapters
One Piece: White Hunter
Anime & Comics · BravoBuds