I would like it to be Omnitrix because there is none but if it ends up being Osmosian just don't nerf it
In my opinion the MC had the ring but he rejected it himself, the system gave him the item but as far as I have seen it was never said that it could not be used by anyone other than the MC, although it was very irresponsible to leave something so dangerous out if I didn't plan to use it
I apologize if something is not understood well, I hope you get the idea. (I use the translator)
Ok I just hope they don't get what they want and fix the Omnitrix a bit by mistake, it seems to have more bugs than the Ultimatrix and since Santa Prisca there hasn't been an alien that I have chosen. I like it and it's one of the few stories that uses the Omnitrix and has lasted this long in DC, but even if the clock isn't perfect here, it's just too weakened.
I like your story but you alter the power levels a lot, at first it was kind of understandable but now the MC is just pathetic, I'm not saying you made him op or anything but you still weakened him too much. There wouldn't be so many similar comments if the templates were from different characters, however it is your story and I respect that. (Sorry for the spelling, a translator was used)
I like it but I think it would be better if the MC had more serious moments. Merry Christmas
DMC: Being a demon hunter in Japan is not easy
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