male LV 1
2021-11-05 Unido Bahrain
Obras originais
Emblemas 5

Moments 41
11 months ago

Note: I dropped it after the whole scepter tampering plot so don't take it to heart if I complain about something that's explained later on. I liked how the novel was going at first as it reminded me a lot of how modern media depicts the King Arthur legends, but it all went downhill afterward. First, in the story, gods, the reason a specific element exists, are killed more than once. Secondly, he comes across such information all too easily. Sure, it might be explained by the collector of artifacts who lives in an artifact of a demigod designed like a city, but it's still too early and easy to obtain and reveal such information. There's also the betrayal of his childhood crush, which happened with so little hesitation that she attacked him personally. After that betrayal, he becomes a 'bit' more untrusting. He completely refuses to trust anything or anyone. Finally, when he finally gets the darkness scepter, he does one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen, which honestly had no logic behind it. Rather than trust in mutual benefits, give the scepter without doing anything, and just go with who could've been a generic FL, he planks to tamper with the scepter and then give it back because he doesn't trust her. If he didn't trust her then he could've given it back and left, tried to just kill her then and there, or just run away. All of these would've removed the need for the generic revenge plotline that every avid reader knows by heart at this point. And as if that's not enough, the author decides to have the new antagonist torture MC rather than killing him and quickly running away from the soon-to-be chasing churches. All in all, some parts of the novel look like they were written by an experienced author while others look like they were written by a Chinese Wuxia author who mindlessly writes.

1 years ago

The story progresses at a good pace, neither too quickly nor too slow. It doesn't focus on cultivation or one power system but expands upon it to allow the various games to display their potential. Even the characters are written perfectly, allowing us to understand their personalities from how they play and their comments. The novel didn't focus on one game or character but allowed everyone and everything a role in the story which allowed the author to explain a lot about the world without the reader guessing. Overall, it is probably my favorite store system novel due to the comedy and lightheartedness which, in my opinion, is what a novel of this type should pursue. There is a lot of potential for a sequel as the novel leaves quite a few theories, such as what further upgrades of the store could bring. For example, in the end, we see him leave to explore the world, which might mean there's a management system or way to hire someone for such a role.

1 years ago
Replied to Adron_Rana

I'm now curious about what happens after chapter 20. What sequence is beyond English major?

"Alright, it's bedtime, my inebriated brother," Aurore said with a smile as she threw out some silver dust.

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

1 years ago
Replied to TheFoolPersona

Another moral from the story is that while people don't believe liars, they will forgive a bit of lying. But yes, don't lie. Lying is bad -An untrustworthy internet user.

2 years ago
Replied to Empyrium

If you're reading the earlier chapters, wait a bit since I'm doing some rewriting.

I know these little rascals would turn out just like his father if I left them be. As soon as they started crawling, I was so proud I was on the verge of shedding tears, but I didn't know how much of a handful he'd be as soon as they became mobile.



Book&Literature · CERC_xr

2 years ago
Replied to Empyrium

If you're reading the earlier chapters, wait a bit since I'm doing some rewriting.

2 years ago
Replied to DEATHS_SHADOW07

Jesus Christ, spare the children.

"It's alright. I know that wasn't intentional." I waved off her apology after sensing her aura fluctuating again. "Are you sure you're okay?"



Book&Literature · CERC_xr

2 years ago
Replied to IkeaShark

That's literally the plot.

2 years ago
Replied to merlin_

I did a whole vote with the beta readers from my other fanfic, and the choices were; Arte, Artha, and other. In the end, they decided on Artha.

"Hi little Artha, I'm your daddy, can you say dada?" He grinned idiotically at me. I could see my mother and the supposed doctor roll their eyes at my father.

Converged Fates

Converged Fates

Book&Literature · CERC_xr

2 years ago
Replied to Pythia


Tears welled up in my eyes the moment before I burst out in a brawl of cries. "Claire..."



Book&Literature · CERC_xr

  • Converged Fates original

    Converged Fates


    Ever since the tragedy that was the Eharian king tournament, people regarded King Grey as the strongest man despite his small ki center when he was only eighteen years old. He has always used his hatred and anger to fuel himself to become one of the strongest. He has disregarded his friends for the sake of growing stronger; he grew stronger alone; he fought alone, and he died alone. But what if king Grey never existed? What if Nico Sever never existed? What if Cecilia never existed? What about their other versions? Follow Artha Leywin, the reincarnation of Queen Greya through her new life, where she learns to fight for what is right, protect what is hers, forgive others for misgivings, and love others.

    14 Chs 54 Coleções

  • Painㅤ original



    4.31 Concluído

    0 Chs 1.3k Coleções