very interesting. i understand the desire for intensity of feeling|experience, but the trust being placed in euryale is not a choice i'd make so i am struggling a bit with the motivations. this was a good chapter to wrap up the arc of the last few, and i am looking forward to seeing what comes next with the village in the forest, and then the northern province and return to the duchy.
question: how does the oath that josie swore to the heavens interact with dahlia's soul being alive after her bodily death? would she be required to continue to serve or protect dahlia? while the circumstances are slightly different, i cannot imagine that souls finding new bodies is unheard of.
Josie, however, had been glowering and unsociable just as much as Valentina. The two who typically argued and were constantly at one another's throats were instead finding camaraderie in each other. The joint silence they created in a corner of the room left a palpable aura of gloom that no one could manage to fix. Avery wanted to plan for their future test, and they did, but the planning was curt, to the point, and undeniably awkward. Bessie had also tried to cheer them up just by being friendly, but neither woman could bring themselves to relax and enjoy the maid's company enough for their mood to improve.
Fantasy · AngelAsphodel
i like her sass, that plus the unfiltered and predatory personality is a dangerous sort of fun.
intriguing! initially i thought dahlia was hearing the voice due to her connection with nature (mana), but now it seems like that wasn't the only reason. the newcomer's word choice is very interesting, and i have a feeling that valentina is being wound up here on purpose although i still am unsure of what the motivations could be.
laughing at this chapter just as much as sabrina was.
i came back to reread this set of chapters (again) and still find them so poignant - it continues to be really difficult to put words to how they feel.
hahaha, poor xu, i hope quynh isn't letting her live that down.
i'm very much looking forward to see how this unfolds. although the pacing of the plot and the complexity from the intertwined events may become a problem as the story progresses if a balance of 'reader awareness' is not struck. i'm also looking forward to seeing how you will manage that. also, is there a means for providing financial support to you and this work? i'd like to do so and would be interested in offline copies (pdf/epub) of the story.
cannot say i was expecting this turn of events!
"I want you to bite me, and claw me, and do a hundred other things until you make me scream and melt. I want you to tear, and bite, and fuck, and ruin me, then help put me back together only to find a new way to do it again. I see the reverence in Josie's eyes and I want to see how much I can encourage and enable her. I see how every single thing can decay and crumble and I want to revel in it as I make it into reality."
Lost: To Be Found
Fantasy · AngelAsphodel