His only company was a bizarrely flirty grandmother seated across from him.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
what im thinking, like really this is a great opportunity, announce to the 4 leaders your the new satan and will Join them as the 5th, np war needed
Every time Leo looked at her, the absurd patchwork of her devil and nekomata physiology stared back at him like an insult to nature.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
"Not weird stuff," he clarified quickly. "Just… normal. Casual. Whatever."
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
this is fkn lame, he has a mission, and knows cannon , just ask to meet the occult and announce he's the new satan. get the small reward.
"I'm not romantically interested in you. You don't even remotely fit my criteria." His eyes flicked over her frame briefly—flat, small, clearly younger-looking than she actually was. "I mean, obviously. You're not my type."
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
its both, magical energy is emmited from magical particals, most the time you can't control the particals unless you have both magic manipulation and partical manipulation, the same is for spiritual energy, and psychic energy its emmited from particals and most people only utilize the energy emmited not the whole sorce of magic, mana is magical energy combined with life force, magicules like in Tensura are spiritual particals combined with magical energy ect . psycules are psychic particals and spiritual energy ... not to be confused with silver mana = mana plus spiritual energy , golden mana = silver mana combined with psionic energy.
Mana wasn't energy—it was a particle, moving faster than light, literally reversing time for itself and all the particles around it.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
let me guess... the stupid idea of no taste with his information parasight skill wont effect his sex drive ...
She was quiet, as always, her small frame and feline demeanor making her presence ghostly.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
not bad, I would skip the most evil extreme a nd go 0, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 20. with that i should get deathless immortality tons of defence and good dammage and great at magic, creation , reality warping ect..
should be 10,000 coins if your going off 2010 prices for bitcoin when they where 0.01 cents, and there where only 3 million bitcoins by 2011 started at 1 million in 2010 then 3 million by the end of the year.
At today's rate, it amounted to roughly 1,01,010 Bitcoin.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
dxd is 2008 -2010, bitcoin was 2010, and it cost 0.01 per coin, there was only about 1 million coins at start and 3 million by end of year, if you buy in 2010, 80 bucks worth is 8k? save untill 2019 when they are woth 39k for 312 million or wait untill 2024 when it hits 100k for 800 mill.
"I guess this is as good as a shot as any," Leo said to himself. "100 dollars worth of Bitcoin it is."
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
so lame, why choose the war path. so much fkn work ..
He brought his arm down in a swift motion, and the world responded with an earth-shaking sound of grating metal.
Highschool DxD : Actually Satan
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj