Sightless_Seer - Profile


LV 10
2021-10-08 Unido Global

Emblemas 3

Moments 29


+1 if you want to talk about basics? body enhancement is key to future endeavors assuming we stick to the stupid no nin or gen rule if the hyuga getting our body up to par is important being good at the gentle fist means nothing without enough speed, endurance and power to withstand battle. now if we are able to combine rock-Lee-esk body conditioning with the technique and prodigy capabilities of the gentle fist of neji. well we will be fairly well off not that I think we should ignore nin and gen or atleast not genjutsu. after all no one needs to know we are using genjutsu. using it to shift perception and messing with peoples senses makes the most sense. main things : Gentlefist, body conditioning support : sensor training and genjutsu training every edge in a fight is important as someone so logical he should see that. as long as no clan members discovers his genjutsu usage. well things could go quite well of course this is only speaking of combat related abilities plus sensor training which can fit into combat and none combat capabilities. also genjutsu will branch us out in a way we need. versatility is important


+1 While I would love to put it on any other body part. having it on the forehead can be of use for misdirection no matter how minor. allowing us to act as if we are a part of the branch family and subservient in most things. it will also slightly decrease though not by much the target we would be for our eyes. people arent just going to know we are blind so them assuming we are branch family no matter how minor a benefit is still a benefit. atleast that's all I can give for any logical reasoning. and while some may disapprove of such a thing. we have enough of a weakness already. we must hide ourselves in lies big and small. make it harder for people to see underneath the underneath. atleast that is my thoughts


+1 and though most were blind. let it be known that I was not. that I saw somthing just beyond my comprehension. and yet I looked deeper.


+1 the bird was free in all but heart though its soul would always be caged


ironically being pragmatic by choosing this +1


I enjoy the thought of this look for them


I am choosing C. I'm well aware most people will choose A or B for a multitude of reasons. most being that they want to prove shinji's power or rush his advancement. I'd like everyone to remember just what this chunin exam is. while many will disagree with saratobi for saying it is a replacement for war. for this specific chunin exam it's true. threats are everywhere threats shinji isnt exactly capable of dealing with none the less Kota or even sayuri even if we dont know all her capabilities its likely she is not prepared for if we face Garra of the sand none the less the other threats such as a literal sannin. sure we could glaze by never run into these power houses. but we also could and its frankly not worth it. Kota needs time the first kill can usually take weeks of time to get over and as his teammate we should support him. also it just gives us a larger period to train as I'm sure many of you will want to focus on. we do after all have to deal with a invasion which involves the killing of a kage and giant snake of destruction. where previous kages are raised literally from the grave to fight against kahona. we need to be prepared for the future. this holds credit to the fact. if shinji shows enough skill he doesnt really need the chunin exams. frankly once again people are misconstrued. Genin is just a rank not a power ranking or skill ranking. it's a general term. not applyable to everyone labeled as it to be called weak there is no legatiamate way the village would not make us chunin eventually even if we do not participate in this specific chunin exam this is my answer to the current vote please consider C



C - "That's not an act and we both know it." Shinji is afraid this might sound rude to her, and ruin their relationship.

Naruto: Infinite Possibility

Naruto: Infinite Possibility

Anime & Comics · MessyLife

Replied to Sightless_Seer

reflex training may be a useful thing to do while training please consider it and add it to your vote if you think so aswell

B - Train just Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Teamwork. Since Kota was already talented at Kenjutsu, you decide to try and corporate that into the team. It's hard work, but Shinji believes he can handle it.

Naruto: Infinite Possibility

Naruto: Infinite Possibility

Anime & Comics · MessyLife



B - Train just Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Teamwork. Since Kota was already talented at Kenjutsu, you decide to try and corporate that into the team. It's hard work, but Shinji believes he can handle it.

Naruto: Infinite Possibility

Naruto: Infinite Possibility

Anime & Comics · MessyLife

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