honestly, I always wondered why Harry didn't enter the maze, and immediately shoot the red beam in sky to signal his forfeit, he knew they were targeting him, they were trying to harm him by entering him in a contest you can't quit from, but that option got opened in the last task. just quit, pack your bags and go home
I also thought that a SI hollow with idel transfiguration will be a cool idea. he can modify the hollow bodies to stop being so animalistic and aggressive and with his technique and humanity he can try creating a haven for hollows in hueco Mundo. maybe he can modify his own soul and give himself the rest of jjk cursed technique (sky manipulation, star rage, limitless...)
toji is a complex character, all his life he was faced with hate and degradation, his family didn't accept him, his own father tried openly to kill him and the jujutsu world didn't acknowledge him. he never had a place to belong two, but finally he met rei, he fell in love and finally found someone that loved him back and for a while stopped being an assassin, rei became his whole world, even his son's birth while joyous didn’t take rei's place in his heart, and that's why one she died everything fell apart. while he loved his son, he wasn't a bigger importance in his life then his wife. that's why I hope the author shows the struggle toji will have with himself if he ever started a romance between momo and tonight, not because toji thinks his undeserving of her but because his first wife still has a place in his heart.
for consistency sake, Harry who is great in potions better recognize the smell of polyjuice real quick
finally, I thought you dropped the fic good chapter.
why is he suddenly a dick, talking about manderly like that??
come on author, please post the new chapter quickly 🙏 🙏 😢
hands down, best bleach fic I ever read .
I always wanted to read an aot fic where the Mc was more smart than strong. instead of focusing on being the best in killing titans, he focuses on building new things.
While I'm not confirming anything, what would you all think about if I wrote a story within the world of Attack On Titan after I finish writing this story? Despite its devisive ending, I have love the AOT story since I began watching/reading it. It's one of the GOATs in all of anime/manga.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
I like the concept of the story but Oliver doesn't seem to be a part of the team, there is always the of strawhat and him just saying a comment here and there. he didn't change anything important just some fight scenes. and can people not see his ears and tail or what why is no one commenting on it.
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