GuyOfMany - Profile



LV 4


2021-09-05 Unido Global

Emblemas 6

Moments 1170

Replied to Cara_trevoso


"The name's Virgil Hawkins..." The kid, Virgil, replied, and it only took me a second to identify him after associating his appearance, powers, name, and the manner he spoke.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


Constructed alternatively

"Well… I'm just built different." Steve said with a low voice but Bucky's acute hearing picked it up pretty easily. 



Movies · Draul_TheOminous


This book was better for your writing the story you wanted rather than what people wanted.

My goal was to write a story about a boy who did whatever it took to be a hero, even if it killed him and so I did just that while keeping the not pulling punches thing for a single scene.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli

Replied to OtakuSumit

This isn't based solely on the MCU so using the Loki show as reference won't do you much good.

While the man might have an impressive understanding of the Infinity Stones, me thinks he blatantly forgets that he couldn't use the stones in any other universe. 



Movies · Draul_TheOminous


I'm gonna assume this is meant to be the Phantom Spider


Now this is a final battle.

"No more games, Venom. This time, I will kill you. All six of us will win." Spider-Man shouted from the top of the building.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli


*Using this gif in the wrong context*


Eren knew who was under the monstrosity at that point, but he still lied to himself, thinking of who it could possibly be. However, seeing Harry's board on the ground, he couldn't lie to himself anymore. Cindy fell to her knees and held Harry's glider in both hands, looking down at it with wide eyes. "Harry must have tried to fight them... he made a synthetic symbiote. He called it Anti-Venom..." she told Eren as she began to weep and choke up. "He told me to wear it, but I was afraid. He said it wouldn't control me, but I was still too scared to wear it myself. I shouldn't have left him here alone. I should've been the one-"

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli


This is a very metal way to introduce the sinister six and I'm there for it.

The civilians in the building were completely dead silent, in disbelief that the villains they all saw get defeated on the news were back and stronger than ever. A freezing chill flowed down their bodies as they saw the Green Goblin staring right back at them, smiling sinisterly at the building he was ready to take back.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli


Dang, knew it couldn't be that easy.

However, before Harry could finish the job, a bolt of electricity fell from the sky as if divine lightning struck the hero, sending him flying backward and disabling the technological aspects of his costume. His body eventually came to a stop when he was grabbed from the ground by a tail of some sort from behind. Using his hands, he attempted to pry himself free only for his limbs to be pulled back by four tentacles.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli


Ooh, we're getting Milestone characters too. Sick.

I found two such lawyers. Both were ironically superheroes, one of which was the previously mentioned Katherine Spencer (Manhunter) and Augustus Freeman (Icon).

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to Kry0genic_

He just gets the power to change the color of his fingernails or something 😂

[Dormant Metahuman] [Silent Step] [Energy Detector] [Augmented Reality Vision] [Energy Conductor] [Metallurgic Intuition] [Ricochet Intuition] [World Wide Access] [Energy Conversion] [Menacing Presence] [Emp Surge] [Supernatural Body] [Supernatural Mind] [Energy Adaptability] [Ergo-Pisonics]

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


Because DC seems to struggle coming up with new diverse characters so they change the ones they already have.

The Starheart developed a consciousness (because why the fuck not?) and sent freed a fragment of itself into space, where it encountered all sorts of stereotypical and cliched situations, eventually coming to the possession of one Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, who is now gay for some reason.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to SurelyNotEli

Seems fitting

"You weren't the only one who was busy for the last week, Venom. I created something to make myself stronger, something that could allow me to keep up with my best friends. I call it Anti-Venom." Harry's body was eventually completely covered in this Anti-Venom invention. It looked similar to Eren's white symbiote, having a white mask with massive black lenses. This Anti-Venom around his body appeared as an all-white battle armor with a black spider at the center of it. His utility belt, along with his weapons, were all still visible as the Anti-Venom assembled itself beneath them.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli

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