Can Theodore be trusted?
"So this is where she's been hiding?"
Fantasy · Glimmy
OH. MY. GOD !!!!!! What just happened!!! Speechless.. Oh Glimmy... oh Glimmy... what are you doing to your poor readers!!!
the cat who called Islinda its wife* not wide
The scene looks like when Aldric's mother was kidnapped. However, why is Islinda seeing this. Is this somehow related to her? So were Aldric and Islinda connected before they were born... This Destiny! Also, Aldric has the Kings features and the dark faes hair? Who is Aldric? and what about the cat, who called her his wide? aah my brain hurts !!! can't wait for more
WHAT!!!! What just happened??? 😳 this can't be ..
exactly webnovel getting greedier..
REALLY !!!!! 3FP for 1 chapter???? webnovel are u getting a bit greedy here? we are already waiting this long for a chapter yo be released, after this loong wait. this particular chapter wasn't extraordinarily long also. then how do u justify the 3fp's... don't loose Ur customers webnovel
totally agree!!! it's ridiculous waiting this long for an update
y r the paragraphs being repeated chapter after chapter..
History · Tiny_Psalm