Webnovel Author: Sinplex - Fanfic Collection



male LV 14
2021-08-15 Unido Canada

Emblemas 9

Moments 15



"Um... you two can fight all you want, I'm out of here," Kael mumbles as he turns around and starts sprinting. 'There's at least a couple hundred, there's no way we can fight them.'

A World Unwritten

A World Unwritten

Fantasy · QTV


Kael enjoying his picnic in the forest


Kael sighs, looking around the never-ending dead forest. 'How many days has it been now? Maybe five days? Fuck, I don't know.'

A World Unwritten

A World Unwritten

Fantasy · QTV



"Hmhmhmhmhm~ How adorable," a hand cups her cheek from behind. No reaction? Why would she? She knows that voice well enough. In the reflection of the mirror, she sees her: one hazel eye and one vibrant green, hazel hair that falls down her back. Have you guessed? Here's a clue. She's a 'devil' to someone. "I'm sorry for breaking in, but I just couldn't help myself," she hums in Isadora's ear. To no surprise, Isadora simply blinks blankly.

A World Unwritten

A World Unwritten

Fantasy · QTV

Replied to QTV

That would be awesome, the character shenanigans is already hilarious but can we also get a auxiliary chapter character, images or just descriptions


As a bonus, let me know your favorite characters or anyone you'd like to see more of. If you want any data about the characters, feel free to ask. And for those of you who've read my other novel, don't worry—I haven't given up on it. It takes just as much effort as this story, and I'm doing my best to write for you all.

A World Unwritten

A World Unwritten

Fantasy · QTV





'He barley tries when we play and spends all day swinging his katana. Momma said when boys grow older they do nothing but play with their swords all day long. She also said that's how daddy died.'

DxD: Valac The Godbreaker

DxD: Valac The Godbreaker

Anime & Comics · Autumn_Mage



All his fury, conviction, and desperation boiled and suddenly burst. Before he even realized it, Nautilus was already in front of Ran, his blade cutting off Aater's hand cleanly even though his head was thumping with pain. Then he spun around, smashing his shield on Aater's stomach, before sinking his weapon into the boss' side and dragging it upwards, leaving a long red line across Aater's body.

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Anime & Comics · Reis123


…I think you made this chapter as a personal attack on your readers. .-.

But let's focus on the last two parts. Suppose you, yes YOU, are THE ONE. You, out of billions, out of an infinite number of people across all possible worlds, are chosen. Yes. You. I suppose, it's not a question of 'if', but 'when'. Let's assume that there are an infinite number of worlds, alternate, parallel, variations, it doesn't matter. Now let's assume there are an infinite number of them. That every possible scenario has or will happen in one universe. Yes, it's truly a silly concept, but stay with me. Are you living in the universe where you finally get a partner? Highly unlikely. But still, it does exist, somewhere out there.

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Anime & Comics · SynthScythScorpion


Ayo chill I’m still alive here XD

No. It was supposed to be quite simple. A reincarnation. Of course, it was to be a random gamer with cannon knowledge, because that is what we expect, right? Of course, the person had to be picked at random, with no real skills, personality traits, or talents to speak of. Why? Because an author writes parts of himself into the story, and we as the readers compare ourselves in the main character, or perhaps we enjoy the fact that the Main Character was once nobody, with nothing, no notable features, skills or powers above anyone else before he becomes strong. Someone like us.

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Anime & Comics · SynthScythScorpion



If you were to hold a gun to my head and force me to read them, I would just tell you to shoot me. 

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Anime & Comics · SynthScythScorpion



"And to clarify, I am not mad about any of that really. I still forgive them. They don't have to love me back, nor will most. But still, is it wrong for me to love them, despite all of their flaws?"

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Pray for the Gods (DXD/Fate)

Anime & Comics · SynthScythScorpion

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