that man asura is broken depending on how he scales only toptiers are touching him
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Movies · StrikerAuthor
"why are you near my children"- arelenchinno probably
Turning around, he looked at the door and saw the familiar indifferent and cold depression of Arlecchino, one that radiates deadly allure and ruthlessness.
Video Games · Unusual_
yknow rereading and seing thisbline had me laughing cause the darkness is physically on issacs side
With that said, the two parted ways, each going their own way and walking in the shadows. To them, the darkness was a familiar friend which could both serve as a shield and an accomplice, making it useful for traversal... and stalking.
Video Games · Unusual_
the main difference is that this koraidon was the one to win
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pokemon harvest craft its fully complete and came out in 2016 some deal as stardew valley with pokemon
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I take it its stronger strength wise but weaker utility wise cause superman can use his with surgical presicion
Beneath his feet, the ground shifted as if alive, glowing a deep ominous red as the energy within it grow stronger and stronger, just like the power contained within his eyes. Then as, its maw closed around the planet, its power tearing at his skin, Scott opened his eyes with a roar, unleashing every emotion within him.
Anime & Comics · Carrots123
I mean the super dragon balls probably could make him a saiyan cause one humans were made by kais a type of God and as shown the super dragon balls have the.abilutiws to alter the actions of gods but shenron is able to cause he was limited by who and what he was affecting so shenron cant give him divine properties
However, Ajax couldn't escape the truth: he didn't know if such a wish could be granted, given his limited understanding of the Dragon Balls' full range of capabilities. The uncertainty gnawed at him constantly, until he finally made the calculated decision to take the safer route. He diligently drafted two versions of his plan, one tailored for a Saiyan and the other for a human, each path filled with its own set of challenges and opportunities.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
northern blade was gas
"Can you guys get some items that can provide a strong source of heat? I feel if we give this ice or crystal a bunch of heat it will eventually crack."
Video Games · _Kirirei_
I dont think it's in order of strength last I rember
'Number 4 of the Fatui Harbingers... Arlecchino.'
Video Games · Unusual_
I finally caught back up
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
Video Games · Rastislav