HalfmoonSilver80 - Profile



male LV 4

A person that likes to live in his own world while reading a fine book of a story.

2021-08-11 Unido Philippines

Emblemas 10

Moments 816


Boxing is literally nothing to the Saiyan's. It does not fit their style.

The third of my goals was at least doable now, getting stronger was any Saiyan's goal, I had an advantage from any other due to my past-memories. In my past I had trained in boxing with my dad which was my only experience fighting, that was about the only fitness I did before. There were a lot of possible training exercises I could utilize from my boxing training, a few stretches or warm-up exercises could add to my core-training but besides that I had no real need of the rest. My Saiyan self however was a brawler, at least before the merge of our souls or memories… what ever had combined us, anyway. A brawler with no style at all, that had changed with me planning my punches against the enemies I had gone up against so far, punching Adam in the face reminded me so much of my sparring days-

The Ape From Space

The Ape From Space

Anime & Comics · Warrior988


Is this a translation ??

"Hmm Yuta, you don't mind I call you that right," Toru asked.

MHA : Hero Time

MHA : Hero Time

Anime & Comics · kamidemond


..... you have a copy of a stockpile quirk. You are essentially the first generation user. It not going to be that poweruful if we use the MHA logic of the quirk

Thanks to his anime knowledge he knew how to develop his quirk. Now when he thinks about it, he is the 9th user of One For All while Izuku is the 10th.

MHA : Hero Time

MHA : Hero Time

Anime & Comics · kamidemond


A logia does not need to activate their elemental incarnation! It's a passive ability !

Smoker quickly activated his elemental transformation once more, allowing Byakuya's punch to pass through his chest harmlessly.

One Piece: One Punch Man

One Piece: One Punch Man

Anime & Comics · Saitama_Blast


He would kill Nami right? no matter her end goal and reasons she is a pirate and thief. She either should be killed or be imprisoned

Nami lifted her charming and enchanting little face, with a captivating smile, her lively eyes fixed on the man in front of her. 

One Piece: One Punch Man

One Piece: One Punch Man

Anime & Comics · Saitama_Blast


question! How did he made it?? Like he does not have any power over craft. Only the raw mineral. How did he enchanted it?

This beauty has some amazing abilities, it will never leave my hand unless I will it to, none but the 'worthy'(me) can wield, and it's physically and magically indestructible not to mention the amount of power just holding it gives me. I'm pretty sure only OAA can destroy it or whoever 'author' is, and it can transform into a tattoo for ease of travel and an added coolness factor. The poleaxe was something on the same ground as mjolnir and Excalibur easily able to compete if not outdo since mine was made with Netherite a metal only found in hells that has the same properties of adamantium with the added benefit of conducting magic with insane efficiency.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found

Replied to Drayven

This is my thought what she had done

Ochako and Iida watched, with Ochako tilting his glasses in thought.

To Become Unstoppable

To Become Unstoppable

Anime & Comics · LesserCodex


Couldn't he just be another Motry and not Prime Morty?

"You will be Morty Smith the day after they went to another universe to take their alternative place self."

I am Morty Sanchez

I am Morty Sanchez

Anime & Comics · Try_hard


Seriously?? I'm starting to remember why I avoided reading in WebNovel


I'll be cucking that pathetic Jerry and take Summer and Beth then Jessica and if I'm able to go through other multiverse then I'll take Marceline then turn that Bitch princess bubblegum into a slut. Or even Disney princess.

I am Morty Sanchez

I am Morty Sanchez

Anime & Comics · Try_hard

Replied to lnsomniac_

I have nothing against gender fluidity. It's just that I imagine as I read and suddenly "seeing" a guy/gal suddenly change mid scene like badly made stunt double in parody movie is jarring and very inconsistent, which I don't like.

Two days. she had to walk for almost two whole days before she found an elderly couple who were picking mushrooms in the forest so she could ask them for directions to civilization. By the time he finally saw the gates of the Leaf Village, night had almost fallen and it would not be long before they were closed.

A ninja who is always hungry

A ninja who is always hungry

Anime & Comics · Cadenadeaventuras


split and fly you Clown!

Buggy tied the rope on his waist before he jumps to the balloon. He climbs it as his crew holds the rope for safety. No one wants Buggy to fall from this height if he slipped while climbing.

Transcended as Lord Buggy

Transcended as Lord Buggy

Anime & Comics · Capt_mermain1

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