Webnovel Author: Maerlynn_Romanova - Fanfic Collection



female LV 1
2021-08-11 Unido Global

Emblemas 3

Moments 2

Replied to Hk4747

Very nicely put :-) I decided to keep the explanation she gives about her powers "simple" because it seems like something Daisy would do, but it's nice to hear such a detailed explanation.

We arrive at the doors leading to the training area. Wanda stops me before I enter. "Now Lidiya, don't be startled by the size of this so called room. Training is an important part in all of our day to day lives. We have to make sure we are in top shape so we can help when help is needed. We are no use to them when we're out of shape, and there are a lot of us so we need the space." "I understand." She pushes against the double doors and we enter. Even though she has warned me, I'm still absolutely flabbergasted when I see the room we are standing in. They are right, training area is a better term than training room. I can see two pairs of people sparring with each other. One of them is working in the boxing ring and the other pair is working on the mats. I can see that there are tons of machines, there are climbing walls, ropes, and when I look up I can see there is even an entire parcour build into the ceiling. "I told you." Wanda her voice laughs in my head. "This place is… amazing!" It really is, it looks like you can spend hours here and there would still be new things to find out about. We take a couple of steps into the room, and Wanda holds up her hand to the pair on the mats. She turns her attention back to me and points towards the boxing ring. "Obviously that is the boxing ring, and let me give you a friendly warning: don't challenge Natasha there. Happy did that once and it did not go well for him. Actually you should never challenge Nat no matter what area it is." I laugh, I haven't seen Natasha fight yet but she just has this vibe that says 'don't mess with me'. "She's not here?" Wanda shrugs. "Apparently not. We will find her later I guess. Now let me introduce you to these guys over there." I can see that the mat-fighters are finishing up and are walking in our direction. "We have a power area, an area dedicated to stamina, fighting mats, dummies… Over there through these doors is a room dedicated to practicing with special powers, like you and me have. Everything has been made safe there so nothing can happen. And if you go through the doors to the outside there is a running area, Steve and Nat love to challenge each other. Steve still won't accept the fact that Nat still beats him like it's nothing." I laugh when she says this. "I'd love to see that someday." She squeezes my hand. "And you will milyy." The two women that have been fighting each other on the mats reach us. "That's Hope and that's Cassie. This is Lidiya." Wanda introduces us and while Cassie gives me a wave, Hope greets me with a warm smile. "Hope is Scott's girlfriend and Cassie is his daughter." "Wait… You're that moron's girlfriend?" I say the words before I realize it and immediately I cover my mouth with my hands. What did I say, they will hate me. "Shhhhhttt malyy, breathe in and out." There is no way I could have anticipated the reaction that Hope is giving me. She starts laughing out loud and Cassie chuckles along. "I think that is the right way to describe Scott, yes. A big moron. What did he do this time?" I'm too confused to reply so Wanda does so in my place. "He challenged Carol and Pepper about whether their food would be edible, while doing nothing to help them." Hope makes a tsss sound. "That sounds like him alright. Probably hiding somewhere ant sized by now, he is quite a coward. But when you need him he will always pull through, and he really has a heart of gold. When you get to know him a bit better I'm sure you will see that." It's quite clear that Hope loves Scott a lot. "Yeah. My dad… He's a special case. But he will go through fire for his family. He has done it before and he would do it again without doubt." I smile at the two kind women. "So, teaching Cassie the 101 of self-defense?" Wanda asks, and Hope nods. "Yes, I think it's time she starts learning how to protect herself. Ant Man and The Wasp won't be around all the time to take care of danger. That's my alter ego by the way, The Wasp." The last part of the sentence is directed to me. "Right you are Hope." Wanda replies. We are interrupted when I can hear a loud male voice call out. "How is this possible?! I was standing still, I should have been invisible!" A bright laugh comes out of the woman standing over him, pinning the guy to the ground. Hope and Cassie wave and leave the training area while we walk towards the boxing ring. Now that we are closer I can see that the man on the ground is tall and muscular, with a grey skin and red tattoos covering every part of him. The girl on top of him is small, she has black hair and dark eyes. The thing that I immediately notice with her is that she is wearing a t-shirt with a logo and the words S.H.I.E.L.D. on it. She is the first one who I see wearing that. I make a mental note to ask Wanda about it later on. "Oh yeah, 3 points for Daisy, 1 for Drax. I'm killing you alien boy!" She turns towards us when she hears us coming. "Oh, hi Wanda! And who is that hot stuff that came along?" I blush and grab Wanda's hand. "This is Lidiya." It's as if I can feel annoyance radiating off Wanda, but I don't want to pry. Daisy winks at me before she takes a step back, letting the man stand up. "That's Drax by the way. He likes to call himself 'Drax the Destroyer', as far as I am concerned I am destroying him." She laughs with her own joke and I can't help but chuckle along. "Daisy, you and Lidiya's powers are in the same area. Maybe when she is feeling better you can join us in training sometime?" Daisy raises one of her eyebrows, and she looks me up and down. "Really? What's your power?" Uncomfortable I say: "I'm a fire starter. Well, and after it's started I can control it." She whistles through her teeth. "Nice! My nickname is Quake, this is because I control the earth. So it really is in the same kind of area. Good! When you're ready for it just come and get me, I'd love training with you." She sends me another wink and then she turns her attention back to Drax, who seems as if he is still catching his breath. "Let's go, next round!"

Created by fire, healed by your touch

Created by fire, healed by your touch

Movies · Maerlynn_Romanova

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