Been waiting on it. Also, develop your characters at their own pace. If it's not enjoyable for you, you'll probably drop and I want to see where this goes. So, keep writing.
[Chapter —67]
TV · God_Of_DepravityX
Keep it coming. It's clearly an AU, and his meeting them/integrating with them makes very little sense (he just appeared), but that's okay. I'm looking forward to how you progress with the story.
Shut up, Arex.
Este livro foi excluído.
Maybe Tony Jaa style Muay Tai?
Lowering his body, Colt attacked Guy's chest with continuous elbow strikes, knocking him to the ground with the final blow.
Anime & Comics · INeedRest
They're all women. Why a harem instead of polyamory? With that you could have multiple relationships all in a single relationship. Gwen can date two girls, three girls, four girls, who are all dating each other. Harems always appear convoluted and nonsensical mostly because it involves a bunch of people vying for the attention of one individual.
Which one would y'all like to see? I'm still thinking about which one. But mattering which one is chosen, it'll likely decide the next love interests/last love interests. As I don't think I'm going over 5 in the harem.
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
Ging approves.
As soon as the cub appeared, a soft, almost feminine whimper echoed in Lorien's mind. He patted the young Godzilla's head gently and thought, "Grow strong and healthy. I'll visit you regularly. When you're grown, perhaps you can travel through space to find me."
Anime & Comics · Erovia
Second Hokage
Osaka Rukawa recorded the actual combat performance of the two in a notebook. This notebook will be handed over to the Third Hokage later, so that he can know which outstanding talents the Ninja School has in recent years and focus on cultivating them after graduation.
Anime & Comics · _ManOfCulture_
Compared to the grey goop they showed on the show in the ark. Bear meat is the shit.
"Good isn't it." Damon smiled at Clarke as she chowed down on the meat like it was her first meal in days.
TV · Iseeyou
Do it.
Give me more specifics, because honestly I pretty much lost my zeal for this story as well. It felt like I went too far off course on my original idea, so tell me how you really feel, specifically and it might help me clarify my own thoughts.
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning
TV · hunterxxhunter2011