

male LV 4

Somebody you used to know.

2021-06-12 Unido Turkey
Obras originais
Emblemas 5

Moments 1616
5 days ago

maegor with ti₺s is all i will say about it

No, if she was to marry, it would be on her own terms, with her own power base. She knew that her position could never truly rival that of Maekar or Aegon, but it could be strong enough that both would need her support to win. She would not be a pawn in their game but a player in her own right.

The Son of Ice and Fire (Jon Snow SI)

The Son of Ice and Fire (Jon Snow SI)

TV · Illusiveone

8 days ago
Replied to Soggy_Waffles

it has been 10 months lol

He remembers the ingredients to make a gunpowder. It's one of the most famous inventions that changes the world.

Restart:Untalented Man

Restart:Untalented Man

Fantasy · Spartzan

11 days ago
Replied to unrelieved_genius

colonization is colonization just look at the term and see if there is any saving in it

Vijay designed this formation because he wanted the Ranger unit to serve as the exploration team when Bharat would send expedition fleets to Africa, South America, and other places. In the 21st century, rangers do not play a significant role in most major countries, except for countries like those in the central part of Africa and South American countries, which have extensive forested areas. However, in the 17th century, much of the world remained uncharted and unsuitable for human habitation, except for the European continent, Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. Therefore, Vijay's plan was to establish the groundwork and train the Ranger unit specifically for situations like the current one they were facing and for the future missions in foreign lands they would undertake.

Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

History · Mithun_ReddyGaru

29 days ago
Replied to ShriNG


"Yuto-kun, I've known of your reputation since our reconnaissance team was formed," Tetsuro mused. "At just twelve, you've nearly touched the level of a Jonin, earning the title 'Jewel of the Hyuga,' with immense talent, hard work, intelligence, and a deep sense of honor for your village and family... Seeing you in action, I realize no praise is too high."

Life of a Villain in The Naruto World

Life of a Villain in The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense

29 days ago
Replied to UnknownHybrid

what are we celebrating?


Twenty meters for a Konoha Jonin... was nearly face-to-face.

Life of a Villain in The Naruto World

Life of a Villain in The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense

1 months ago
Replied to NexIuz

2000 in peace times

"Everything they're doing, Lord Baelish. The North is training recruits en masse and has practically doubled its number of soldiers in peacetime. They may even have surpassed the gold cloaks here in Kingslanding," Tyrion replied, shaking his head in admiration.

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

TV · Infinityreads

1 months ago


The King decided to create a great fleet to fight the Ironborn outside of the North, but he made a drastic decision to ensure the fleet made for the North could not be used by the Ironborn. He decided to Burn the entire fleet to destroy the attackers and prevent their use against them.

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

TV · Infinityreads

1 months ago
Replied to Sky_Demon_Order

no idea if it isnt even changed or which episode but it is from pokemon

A hundred floating orbs of water, floating all around him. A pudgy and cute face fixed in concentration. Fingers spinning like a conductor, moving the orbs here and there. And making some orbs freeze and shatter while others turned into snowballs.

Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei)

Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei)

Anime & Comics · HappyVainGlory

1 months ago


However, we didn't find any traps. In fact, we didn't even see any signs of combat. In addition, the villagers said that the Konoha ninjas helped them resettle in their villages and assured them that the rogue ninjas were eliminated. At first glance, everything looks natural. However, there is one big problem!'

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

1 months ago


"That's right. They inject this compound into infants, causing them to awaken superpowers. You, me, and every superhuman in this world were not born with our powers."

Homelander: New Legacy

Homelander: New Legacy

Anime & Comics · DragonnX