Gorath13 - Profile


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Geek for well written SI, Rebirth, Transmigration fics, "Well Written" is the key word. Marvel, DC, HP, Naruto, PJO , ASOIAF, GOT, Avatar or crossovers of the above are my bread and butter.

2021-05-06 Unido India

Emblemas 4

Moments 694


aren't they the flaming pirates?

As for the Demon Ace Pirates, as soon as they saw the fireworks they hurried towards where the signal had been setoff.

Fist Of Haki

Fist Of Haki

Anime & Comics · Passerby_Venne


he should have kept the wand with himself!!🤦🤦 again moron!

"I would be well within my right to kill you. However, I was just acquitted of some previous charges and I would hate to find myself down in a courtroom again so soon." He fought down his irritation and summoned Lestrange's wand instead, only to throw it a few meters away.

Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Perseus_Blackfyre


I think Florence might end up marrying an Heir Brown or someone and end up bring Lavenders Mom...would explain a lot😜

"I think you're just pissed that he complimented Black?" Florence answered with a shrug: "I mean I get it. He looked really sexy down there. Not backing down against the superior numbers, standing his ground defiantly, Morgana, I think I felt something heating up in my lower belly just watching him..." She chuckled.

Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Perseus_Blackfyre


wasn't there a taboo on his name? and that being the reason people didn't say it unless they were sure to defend themselves from it...a large number of people saying it at the same time would break the taboo but there weren't so many powerful and strong willed people to do so...hence the "he-who-must-not-be-named" non sense

"Voldemort," Harry replied in barely above a whisper and watched as James shivered ever so slightly and Dorea's eyes flinched. He was happy to see that at least Charlus kept his composure. After facing off against Grindelwald the man would certainly not cower from a mere name.

Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Perseus_Blackfyre



After searching for a while, Rex finally found a tree bearing some fruits. After observing for a while, he noticed a Tailow pecking at one of the fruits before flying away.

Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891


purple and pink..image of Ursula from little mermaid popped in my mind... lol

The people screamed like little girls this time. The sight of a tentacle wrapping around the transparent train was truly frightening. Its colour was a mixture of pink and purple. The suction cups present on it immediately latched onto the glassy surface of the train, scaring the shit of the passengers. And of course, it had glowing blue markings all over it.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster



At the side of the stage almost left aside, there's a bunch fo figures holding each one an instrument, womans by their shape, but my eyes are solely on one, she's holding an instrument in the shape of a banjo but smaller, the figure is using in her right hand something resembling an ice scraper plucking what I assume are the strings of the instrument.

One Piece: Freedom's Song

One Piece: Freedom's Song

Anime & Comics · LoftyT15



Also if that wasn't enough I two scars running down my back at both sides of my spine...WHY?!, according to my father I had them since he found me.

One Piece: Freedom's Song

One Piece: Freedom's Song

Anime & Comics · LoftyT15


he is 13...he should be a powerhouse by 25...shorten the timeline for his growth please...

Atro has very far to go, and much to learn, not only regarding magic, but about the world and himself in spite of his intelligence. It may not be something that he will achieve at such a young age, but one day, perhaps in fifteen to twenty years, he will certainly be strong enough to either be the fifth ranking member of the Wizard Saints or, more likely, allow Warrod to properly retire by taking up the new mantle of one of the Four Gods of Ishgar.

Fairy Tail: A New Dawn

Fairy Tail: A New Dawn

Anime & Comics · LuxAtro


I hope it's blunted 😑

"Why is it important, mom?" I asked, as I felt the weight and balance of the sword.

Naruto: Let’s Destroy the Plot!

Naruto: Let’s Destroy the Plot!

Anime & Comics · Joanjudo




weren't they married ?

The siblings, Leka and Neldon, had taken one mountain, Gideon the second, Tamora the third, and Deimos the last. Unless they encountered something unusual by pure luck, Deimos assumed it'd take them a few weeks to several months before they found anything.

Pokemon: Conqueror

Pokemon: Conqueror

Video Games · Kyyate

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