The sound of his cock smashing against the throat of the busty blonde filled the room.
Book&Literature · Walder_0705
no your somewhat right he either has them in rotation or only writes when he get inspiration or bit of both
worse imagine ultron as a space marine on steroids. they had machine caple of lifting continents, make chasms that rechaed a planets core, and if I remember correctly they had this huge thing like the rings of Saturn that was mentioned to consume stars. each of them was operated by ai and it was incredibly smart
[Salvage reward: A dormant Iron Man]
Movies · LORD_INDRA_
Shizuka who had been watching the drama with the remaining popcorn she brought from the movie theater was dumbfounded.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
"Eiji, isn't the club's activity obvious from the name?" Run said to her boyfriend who was either pretending to be stupid or really stupid. Then, she wiped some of the sauce on the boy's lips with her handkerchief.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
"Welcome, Eli. You have been chosen to wield the power of the Chaos Legions. Use it wisely… or not at all."
Anime & Comics · NovelsWorld
You might've noticed already but this is me tying up loose ends as this novel is close to finish already.
Anime & Comics · Imbreak
continue with the plan but leading to total war as I could see other lords getting more mad about all the benefits the Persians are getting and include if the keep increasing in political and economical power
but here's the question guys, do you prefer me to continue cooking what I had planned or do we move on to the total war that I had planned in about eighty more chapters, which would take us to the end of the fanfic.
TV · Chill_ean_GUY
it was forced as theresno mention of it. one chapter to another boom she's pregnant. it's your story but it would have helped if u did a side chapter just for their meeting
Hey guys. I don't see why y'all think Izanami's pregnancy is forced. Well, I hope with this chapter you'd get the gist. I'm trying to round this volume up so...
Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie
Or at least he tries, because while Lavender was completely inexperienced, Altair wasn't much better. The most sexual contact he had with a woman was a handjob his sister gave him, which, while not something most people have experienced, also doesn't add much to his skill level.
Harry Potter: Altair Black. Son of Asmodeus
Book&Literature · Walder_0705