male LV 14

In Ivstitia, Sola Veritas Vincit ⚖️

2021-04-13 Unido North Korea
Emblemas 22

Moments 201
2 days ago

I like Dante's reasoning. Past generations shouldn’t dictate how the present generation does things, but of course, that doesn't mean we should entirely reject the past. It’s kind of like irl how Millennials are always complaining that Gen Z is lazy at work, etc. Well done, Author!

3 days ago
Replied to Xayrn_Jantjies_0470

Agree, this is very boring, i thought the next was about the war with the invader not some boring auction.

4 days ago

I like this lucinda more than her usual

"Ugly fuckers like you give Galadriel a bad name." The white-haired girl spat out in hostility. It seemed a bit absurd that a girl with such an angelic appearance could be so vulgar. "I rather not waste my precious mana on putting you pigs to the ground, so scram." She leveled a glare that pierced their very being. The men, cowed by her presence, turned and fled, their retreat an undignified scramble. Isabella watched them go, her heart pounding with relief. She had been saved, and by a girl who was as beautiful as she was brave. But she recognized the whitehaired girl.

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2

4 days ago

can he regain his memory though?, because it is a very big advantage for him.

19 days ago

Wait, why is he considered a bastard child if his mother is married to the emperor? Or am I wrong about the definition of a bastard child?

Lady Henai covered her lips as she chuckled, commenting afterwards, "You wouldn't believe it but he actually married me because he fell for me."

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Fantasy · RighteousFilth

19 days ago
Replied to Kaiser_6117

Of course no doubt Reimgard because that Empire is the sole powerhouse in the central plain and needed 7 kingdom coalition to oppose its influence

19 days ago
Replied to WhOaMI

Sorry it's already answered below

Her face folded with determination as she spoke. "Your father is the thirty-fourth Emperor of the Reimgard Empire, Regallion Reshard Reimgard, the third."

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Fantasy · RighteousFilth

19 days ago

Such a unique name, tripe "R" and it's the third. Is it just him or does everyone of reimgard lineage have triple "R" name?

Her face folded with determination as she spoke. "Your father is the thirty-fourth Emperor of the Reimgard Empire, Regallion Reshard Reimgard, the third."

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Fantasy · RighteousFilth

22 days ago

Is the MC unconsciously using his navigation abilities to guide Mirabella, even though other spawns of aragorn can’t teach her how to do it properly? Since the god of navigation’s purpose is to guide others, it’s strange that the MC can’t seem to use this power for himself. Could that be another restriction placed on him? so many questions

24 days ago

At least his dragon bloodline continues, even though it's probably some kind of vampiric dragon bloodline or somekind now. I mean, Serana is the Daughter of Coldharbour, a highest ranking vampire, and combined with jon a Dragonborn... Well, at least Jon doesn't have his own empire, and his descendants won't be causing trouble!

In her womb, Serana was bearing the child of none other than Jon Dare.

Dragonborn Saga

Dragonborn Saga

Video Games · El_Don