The premise is good but it follows canon too much. It's still early to make a decision. However everything just feels mediocre. I hope that it gets better.
I zonked out towards the end of naruto cause it took too long to end. To me it wasn't really clear what his decisions were and why. He's just seemed like a broken man who lost too much then went crazy.
I don't know what kind of loser likes this stuff. Complete ego trip with no plot. This is the equivalent of buying a fancy sports car because you have a small penis. High-quality chinese garbage. Before you read this show it to your mother so she can be more disappointed in you.
Did you intentionally mess up the title capitalization?
I have no idea what is going on. One second he saved the slaves then next hes crushing a girls legs. I don't know enough about madara to know if he is this way. My gut is saying your making him too cruel though.
Hey asshole why did you stop writing? I read every chapter you wrote and now I have an unquenchable desire for release that witch fanfiction.
I am just a guy wasting my time with free entertainment. If we're both being honest there are probably better things we both could be doing. You don't owe me or anybody here anything especially an apology for not writing a chapter. I'd rather you not post anything so I don't get my hopes up for a real chapter and not something that reeks anxiety issues. From one stranger to another, I wish you love and happiness. No need to worry about me. Just be you.
I don't want to spoil it for people who want to read this but I will say IMO that all the good parts of this novel has already passed. I haven't read the entire novel but I read enough to feel like its super monotonous.
Legit or not I hope he pays you back in labor or when he gets a job.
1. I think you can do a better job. This story seemed to be rushed. I don't see why you can't do both. When you get bored of one jump to the other. You should write what is interesting to you cause that will be good for everyone. Just don't be the guy who flakes on every story.
My Sex Life in Anime Reversed World
Anime & Comics · Great_Darkness