dam it's nuclear fallout scenario
After the fall of the Last Star, the brightest and largest of all, the world was forever changed. Much of the planet became an uninhabited wasteland, monsters appeared, and people with superpowers arose.
Fantasy · Arlemit
time to start new novel
"Keep those spears steady and march!" Alexander heard his commander Nestoras order as the 240-man phalanx slowly advanced on the open field to meet the opposing wall of spears.
War · FerriticMatrix
Myyr Dragon - https://pm1.narvii.com/6200/9f82e019125c12ca51959991394fba65cfceaea9_hq.jpg
Fantasy · AuthorWiz
i'm really intrested what perks he will get by unlocking chaktas
ვ .
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Anime & Comics · Pure_R18_Terror
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Book&Literature · Lucif3r_069
i dont know why but i gett triggerd when he gets surprised
Ning had been looking around the places the rabbit took him when he happened to see something red on a bush. 'Hmm… is that a berry?' he was surprised to find some so easily. He looked more carefully and realized the bush had a bunch of red berries, all bunched up in small sections.
Eastern · Snoring_Panda
"Told mama no woman would stop Jorah the Builder." she spoke with her mouth full of my food.
Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear
Book&Literature · JManM