Kanuk is about to use a very famous move from Jujutsu Kaisen. Guess what it is?
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
Avatar Yangchen only shaved the forehead area enough to have the arrow tattooed on it, the rest had hair.
Under her was an air bison frozen deep in the ice, but strangely, both were alive in the cold ice. This was the avatar and her air bison who vanished 100 years ago.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
Transcendent is before Dragon god in that category would enter Ddraig, Albion, Shiva.
—[Pets]: Super Shiny Ice-Blue Rayquaza (Maou-class, Evolution Potential: Quasi-Super Devil/Transcendent)
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
It wasnt Horikita Suzune?
"Kikyō Kushida," he murmured.
Book&Literature · Leanzin
With the most recent chapters of the manga there are now 6 mythical zoans on the side of the world government (Gyuki's zoan returned to circulation with Saturn's death) 8 if we count the zoan that consumed Imu and the Zoan that consumed Sengoku and there would have been 9 if they hadn't lost the Seiryu Zoan during God Valley. (Daibutsu, Sandworm, Bakkotsu, Itsumade, Fegnxi, Cerberus, Kirin and the unknown Zoan of Imu) Which leaves a total of 8 mythical zoans on the side of the Pirates (Phoenix-Whitebeard Pirates) (Nika-Straw Hats) (Okuchi no Makami Onyudo and Seiryu artificial-Wano) (Seiryu-Beasts Pirates) (Kyubi no Kitsune and Pegasus-Blackbeard Pirates)
Chapter 127: Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Zoan Model: Angel Form
Anime & Comics · Bleam
Apart from Bueno excelente, who are the other 2?
Allen nodded and soon the first of the executioners came down; he was a huge man with a square face; he was wearing a brown trench coat just that. Underneath, he was naked. He had a perverted look and was drooling with his piercing eyes, looking in all directions. The second one was equally muscular and huge; he still had an S&M suit that didn't let you see his face because of a black leather mask, and his breathing was disturbing. The third had the look of a dangerous psychopath as he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, he had many scars on his body as well as some tattoos, which said things like "Only a man knows how to please another man," and "I will make you see a new world."
Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
Reading Xianxia is enough, no need to read it here. I'd lose a whole ton of my recovered brain cells if thats the case.)
Anime & Comics · VenerableZay
The dragon's name is Ladon, but yes, you're right facing a Wyvern is nothing for Percy.
The mini veela cooed, which surprised Percy because he didn't think she could do that. She then hugged his neck tightly, shivering a little, she was scared for him. Percy chuckled, he patted her gently, "relax Kelly, I'll be fine."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Well yes, a dragon pales in comparison to facing his grandfather, the Titan who wants to destroy the world.
The mini veela cooed, which surprised Percy because he didn't think she could do that. She then hugged his neck tightly, shivering a little, she was scared for him. Percy chuckled, he patted her gently, "relax Kelly, I'll be fine."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
"Oh such rich auburn hair, skin pale as jade, lips red as cherries and deep azure eyes. This young master is enchanted by your beauty young miss. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name"
HP/DxD: Raven
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda