'The fastest way to grow stronger is to devour darkness,' he thought. In the story, darkness is a forbidden element, feared for its destructive power.
Fantasy · lance_8
Leda helped Aenar clean her hair and replied. "I can lift a horse with some difficulty. Run a hundred meters in five seconds. My sword can cut through a tree trunk with one blow. Lightning manipulation is also growing; I can cover all five of my fingers with lightning."
TV · TheGreatPrince
I kinda forgot mate.... sorry 😔
he is HIM
"You still have to eat a lot of rice to be HIM, brat!" He barks
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
it's still on
yeah 😂
A heartfelt letter to the writer of LODT.
Fantasy · Divichan02
ligma balls
"Well... now that you mention it... My gamer name when I came to Brazil with my parents was Sujiro Kifuja, a joke on the Japanese name style. I won a world championship once and became known by that name." Adam gave a little smile, then added, "I also had another name: Sugma..."
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
2 left guys
Author Note: We got 430+ stones today, so next day's goal is a bit more. 500 stones from here. Crazy number but you guys might be able to pull it off let's see. Start voting!!
TV · Master4thWall
my grandma also had 13 (excluding the 5 that died at childbirth)
"Lord Michaelo! Your 6th child is a son !"
Fantasy · Tofi_
Fk u author
I Became The Novel's Biggest Antagonist
Fantasy · NihilRuler