I'm honestly confuzzled right now. I thought his older brother would be the main male lead, yet here we are. 🤨🧐
Ahhh yes, the good old throw a glass or ice-cold water trick. My mom uses it on me every day!
Watch Leo feel challenged and buy her a real dolphin for her birthday next year.
"I do love it. Thank you! Maybe, today I finally found my favorite animal. The only problem is that it's not an animal." I said as I shook the plushie lightly as both I and Domenic burst out in chuckles.
Teen · Nightsummer20
For real. If that was me I would have just punched them and taken the cake for myself. NO ONE gets between me and my food. No. One.
Cute, she has her own living, breathing dream catchers. ... I just realized how creepy that sounds.
I feel like in a way Simon is the one who can actually understand Em. They both will help each other immensely if they let the other.
The Broken Angel & Her Overprotective Brothers
Teen · Nightsummer20