
LV 14
2021-03-08 Unido Global
Emblemas 7

Moments 131
2 days ago

is it sky wanted mocha

Enna Clark wanted the MOCHA, while Enna Clark wanted the Blue Mountain.

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

6 days ago

not baron but Habsdon

In the past, she didn't know what a little princess was; she always felt princesses only existed in fairy tales she read as a child. It wasn't until she was assigned to be the baron's assistant due to her excellent work performance that she truly saw what a little princess was like.

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

10 days ago

author writes his age sometime 6 or 7 but as per plot he must be 7

Bobby immediately pouted, clearly reluctant. The 6-year-old, who already had the makings of a handsome and cool face, hesitated for a while before reluctantly agreeing, "Fine, I'll call him."

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

25 days ago

good decision

She didn't want to see Baron Lawrence get hurt again!

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

1 months ago

good thinking

Baron Lawrence frowned, his gaze sharp as he squinted, "No, first help me find out at any costs whether those who went into the sea to save Enna were really the Old Man's people!"

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

3 months ago
Replied to Sunpreet11

yeah do whatever you want Lanlan 🥰

Ming Lan comprehended his desire. She timidly directed her gaze to the buttons of his shirt, her delicate hands moving deftly to undo them one by one. Wen Zac displayed patience, savouring every moment of her progress. Her shy, blushing countenance as she continued the task was a sight to behold, in between his gaze moving across her ample chest.

Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Urban · Mynovel20

4 months ago

not Scott but Barron

The next morning when she got up, she heard that Scott Harris was out on a business trip and wouldn't be back for three days.

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

4 months ago

your love and attention

Ruby furrowed her brows slightly. But what did Steve want?

To the Love of My Life

To the Love of My Life

General · Ye Fei Ye

5 months ago

in China Dangal movie released? surprising

Enna didn't even dare to look him in the eye as she tried to change the subject, "Baron Lawrence, do you know about that recently released movie? The one called 'Dangal'? Bobby said he wanted to see it. Let's all go watch it in the cinema sometime. I heard the movie is pretty good..."

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling

5 months ago

not Olivia it's Ena

Scott Harris dropped off Olivia and Bobby at the entrance of their neighborhood before driving away.

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

Lingering Doting Marriage: Big Boss, Little Sweet Heart

General · Brother Ling