Thank you... :)
Thank you. I will look into it and get back to you.
love this story
Mark: Yes, Nanny told me that he doesn't like Anna and he is on the perception that Anna is after me for my property, but Anna didn't say anything to me about what exactly my uncle speak to her...
Teen · AnnaMark
Hi.. Thank you... I am thinking of a new plot for the story. May be I will think of it and let you know.
Mona: I can understand, Anna, but Mark is better now than before you enter into his life. I didn't see him laughing for the past two years after their parents' tragedy. I think he is healing himself when he is around you..
Teen · AnnaMark
Thank you. This is the first time I am writing a web novel. So still in the process of grasping the idea of web writing. May I know more details about the offers you mentioned. Thank you.
being concerned.. a simple gesture
Ji Bai and Xu Xu stood there quietly as the lift traveled upward. After some time, Ji Bai said abruptly, "The recent case has been quite hectic, you've worked hard."
Urban · Ding Mo
Please let me know more detials. Thank you.
May 14
Realistic · SD_