

male LV 4

I’m Black

2021-02-17 Unido Global
Obras originais
Emblemas 7

Moments 2632
1 years ago

As a black man this is starting off like the funniest fanfic I’ve ever read.

Este livro foi excluído.
1 years ago

if there are clouds how is the sky clear?

The sky was as clear as a sheet of blue paper, and the thin white clouds, as if melted by the sun, floated slowly with the wind.

Slam dunk, hit 100% of the three-pointers at the beginning!

Slam dunk, hit 100% of the three-pointers at the beginning!

Anime & Comics · haigeku

1 years ago
Replied to Sadarsa

Nah there’s apprenticeship programs and internships you can get anywhere if you have connections and the accolades to show you have what it takes. For example my school has the Modern Apprenticeship Program (MAP) which can allow you to even work in HR for the Airport in my city as a 15-17 year old.

But then all of a sudden I felt a really strong migraine and saw the memories of this body. Apparently, her parents or my new parents died a year ago in a car accident, this version of her parents where kind of neglectful, like they weren't bad but they were never around that much, since they were rich and thought that buying me stuff was enough, pretty crapy if you ask me, anyway they bought me this entire floor, yep you heard right the entire floor for me since it was close to were I work. Where do I work? I apparently work at freaking LexCorp of all places and Im 16.

In DC as Spider Gwen

In DC as Spider Gwen

Anime & Comics · DaoistUBk3Vj

1 years ago
Replied to Blankio

Or any of the final fantasies

1 years ago

I do but I’ve never played Final Fantasy 16

1 years ago
Replied to Kamikaze_Eagle

Thank you for responding. To clarify things I haven’t thought out any romance for the moment, but if I do there probably will be a harem in primal times. My reason for that is because of realism. In modern times he will not have a harem and his only reason for a harem in primal times will be to procreate if I do that. So there will not be any wish fulfillment harem bs. Just a harem for procreation which will actually have something to do with the story. But I will try to add tags to make sure people know what they’re getting into.

1 years ago

Ur filler chapter basically wrote the plot for u. Just follow that, fill in the blanks and you’ll be okay.

As for ideas on where to go from this point on, please tell me them. Im blanking.

The Plague Father

The Plague Father

Anime & Comics · Jaquaviontavious

1 years ago

Most the Greek gods/goddesses are known to be Pansexual.

The half of his chest, visible to the gods without seeing through the chiton, was appealing to them, even Zeus, Apollo and Dionysius licked their lips at the sight of it. "WE, THE ENTIRETY OF OLYMPUS HAVE GATHERED HERE TO WELCOME AND SAY FARE WELL TO THIS YOUNG IN FRONT OF US!!!-" Zeus shook his head and exclaimed to the gods. Everyone was here to see him off, even the minor gods, goddesses, minor titans and titanesses still upon olympus.

The Plague Father

The Plague Father

Anime & Comics · Jaquaviontavious

1 years ago
Replied to MrStealYourOnahole

I vote for taint

Nurgle coaxes new worshippers into his fold by stripping them of any other options, inflicting a spiritual tain upon the populace that is reflected outwardly as disease and pestilence. The desperate, ostracized and dying come to Nurgle to find alleviation from their pain. To these potential devotees, Nurgle provides not redemption from their ailments, but rather comfort within their suffering.

The Plague Father

The Plague Father

Anime & Comics · Jaquaviontavious

1 years ago

You know some women can have a condition that permits excessive growth of hair right?

Well….except that woman's beard thing. I know that'll be 'possible' in the future, with the...trans stuff.

The Plague Father

The Plague Father

Anime & Comics · Jaquaviontavious

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