
male LV 1
2021-01-31 Unido Russia
Emblemas 3

Moments 38
1 months ago
Replied to Poison_Contractor

my answer is from the same lyrics. -3/10

2 months ago

Thanks for the chapter!

2 months ago

Хочу больше, я подсел как наркоман! Надеюсь на английском не надо шпарить, в крайнем случае гугл переводчик в помощь. Меня задело только отсутствие большего развитие персонажей и мира вокруг. Поясняю, например Блейд, нам рассказали в принципе мало о данном персонаже, а с условием того, что до получения своего имени он был до Лора в другой(оригинальной для персонажа) истории, это как и проблема, так и возможность вставить то, что хочешь. Ну, не считая контекста. Так как у героя только шаблон персонажа, можно вообще сделать как бы наложение опыта и воспоминаний Блэйда с героем,от любви, до её потери и связи с мечом. Всё это можно реализовать, и хорошо можно же вписать и грехи сюда, как действующая причина развития героя, ведь повышения уровня овладения Грехом, это побороть сие грех. Значит будет много возможностей для героя с подобным погружением. Насчёт мира:Это времена Какаши, нам известно чуть, но мне нравится твоя задумка с Хьюгой, что в итоге будет, узнаем. Да и в принципе побольше вот таких событий будет самое то. Благодарю за прекрасное чтиво, жду ещё! I want more, I'm hooked like a drug addict! I hope you don’t have to scramble in English; in extreme cases, Google Translator will help. The only thing that bothered me was the lack of more development of the characters and the world around them. Let me explain, for example, Blade, we were told, in principle, little about this character, and with the condition that before receiving his name he was before Lore in another (original for the character) story, this is both a problem and an opportunity to insert what you want . Well, apart from the context. Since the hero only has a character template, it is possible to make a kind of overlay of Blade’s experience and memories with the hero, from love to her loss and connection with the sword. All this can be realized, and it’s good to include sins here as an active reason for the development of the hero, because increasing the level of mastery of Sin means overcoming this sin. This means there will be many opportunities for a hero with such immersion. About the world: These are the times of Kakashi, we know a little, but I like your idea with Hyuuga, we’ll find out what will happen in the end. And in principle, more events like this will be just fine. Thank you for the wonderful read, looking forward to more!

2 months ago

Thanks for the chapter and especially for the lust for murder. To be clear, I like abilities like Conqueror's Haki and Killing Lust. Why? Firstly: Cool, Secondly: Versatile. Essentially, it is the pressure of your soul on the soul of your opponent in one way or another. That is, an order. I am a fan of the Straw Hat Pirate story, so I am well aware of their capabilities and its possible development. If strengthening yourself is an order to the body, Hearing or seeing the future is an order to your soul, then the order does not stop at the enemy, but at the world. Literally, to manipulate the world with your will. Literally, the way to become an omnipotent magician and no Sukuna and Satoru can do this in their territory, because such people as I described do not need to embody their will, he can Order the world to obey, no matter what! And even if the hero does not follow this path, I like that the characters use such techniques in their story, even if only once. Thanks again for the chapter, looking forward to the next one.

3 months ago
Replied to Taihao

you made my day man, that's the perfect comparison for this situation.

4 months ago
Replied to Just_Some_Random69

And there will even be a reason, some impudent people will attack their native China!

4 months ago

Thank you for your efforts, I'm looking forward to the next chapters!

4 months ago
Replied to AzrielDremmur

You can use a card that is not a full name, where Aiko will be a nickname (an affectionate nickname for conditional kindness shown by clan members). Английский не мой язык, переводчик выкинул немного не то, что я хотел, вот, подправил.

4 months ago

You can use a partial name card, where the abbreviation is Budei Aiko (an affectionate nickname for conditional kindness given by clan members).
