That's it. The Thunderhawk itself is illegal in the hands of a commoner, but Terminator armor is a death sentence. Each of these armors has a microscopic piece of the EMPEROR's armor in the shoulder pad, each of them is a sacred relic, you won't get off with a simple execution.
Leaving the bolter on the same rack where he'd found it, Gino made his way to the back of the assault deck, climbing five steps to find another spacious area. More stairs appeared to lead him up to the upper fuselage. However, it was here that Gino was struck dumb. In the space where rations and other transport equipment were usually stored, his eyes fell upon the imposing figures of two suits of heavy combat power armour, known as Terminator armours of the Astartes. There they stood, two pieces of that type of armour surrounded by crates upon crates of ammunition, weapons, and lasguns, alongside dozens of other items.
Book&Literature · SrDevoxero
The Thunderhawk is an Astartes vehicle, and for possessing one a commoner would face interrogation and subsequent execution.
The original of this plagiarism is for those who want all the chapters at once. Orig in Russian but Google translator is enough and you won’t notice the difference. Commander of solitude by Kaldabalog
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The original of this plagiarism is for those who want all the chapters at once. Orig in Russian but Google translator is enough and you won’t notice the difference. Commander of solitude by Kaldabalog
Este livro foi excluído.
The original of this plagiarism is for those who want all the chapters at once. Orig in Russian but Google translator is enough and you won’t notice the difference. Commander of solitude by Kaldabalog
Este livro foi excluído.
The original of this plagiarism is for those who want all the chapters at once. Orig in Russian but Google translator is enough and you won’t notice the difference. Commander of solitude by Kaldabalog
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It might just spoil all the events, there are only 30 chapters anyway.
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The beginning of the next chapter of this plagiarism. And finally, this moment has come. I read Roxy's textbook almost to the gills. I was just too careful with books, which are quite rare and expensive in this world. Moreover, these were my Roxy’s books! In general, I was definitely ready. For practice, we decided to leave the village for a while and took Paul's horse. Nah... - Have you ridden horseback yet in your new life? – Roxy asked.
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Let me guess how the next chapter starts. It was still awkward. “O-okay...” Roxy nodded. - Seriously? After all, we have known each other for two years. Although she thought all this time that I was just a child, albeit a smart one. - Ah... okay, but I’m a little unaware of how they usually conduct marriages here. Well, I know that people get married, but I didn’t go into details of local traditions.
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This is not Phantasm, but a mystical code.
The magic sword Shirou had projected had activated inside the Orc, burning its spine from within. Though it was one of the weakest magic swords, and its firepower wasn't even enough to pierce the Orc's thick hide, when ignited internally, even a small flame could cause devastating damage.
Danmachi,The Legend of Emiya
Anime & Comics · Jnyynny_Ikjjj