

LV 15
2021-01-29 Unido Global
Emblemas 28

Moments 10444
1 days ago

*flower and box

"I see. Here" She gestured, handing over the flower to and box to her in exchange for the umbrella. 

The Forsaken Heiress

The Forsaken Heiress

Fantasy · AraneaeRuber

1 days ago

Again, wasn't he eyeballing Louisa or at least entertaining said idea? If so, go back to it and let the real adults (Ozed) talk.

'Schedule? Not priority?' Ser. Jasper thought to himself. 'It will all be in due time.'

The Forsaken Heiress

The Forsaken Heiress

Fantasy · AraneaeRuber

1 days ago

Okay, I'm sure he could talk to chickens as well and be amused and love it. That brief, dry conversation doesn't mean her personality matches his. So flutter back over to that ditz of her sister and have fun with that conversation.

Ser. Jasper wanted to keep her with him. He loved talking with her. It was entertaining and enlightening to do so. But he sadly had no reason to keep her bond to him, so he reluctantly let her go.

The Forsaken Heiress

The Forsaken Heiress

Fantasy · AraneaeRuber

1 days ago

Well dumb-dumb, she ain't dressing for you. As Taylor Swift said, Luella is like "I don't dress for women I don't dress for men Lately I've been dressing for revenge"

'But Luella dresses so conservative and dry that it puts a complete damp to it.'

The Forsaken Heiress

The Forsaken Heiress

Fantasy · AraneaeRuber

1 days ago

So ewwwww! But that was and how ignorant some men still are that they assume what one woman does applies to all women and then wonder why that wet blanket they keep throwing at each woman slips off with the woman pissed off. Second, she is entertaining people at her fathers funeral reception. How dare he look her up and comment on her body then compare it with that skank. If he thinks he has a shot because she is the heiress then let him shoot it so she can knock it down. My only issue is don't do it in front of her half-sister; girl already believes Luella is stealing the air outside from her and the suns ray so she will just add it to the ever growing list of things Luella managed to steal from her with little to no effort or awareness.

'Ah, I see. So flattery won't work on her like it does on her sister' Ser. Jasper thought as he stared her down. Noticing her size, curves and body form. It was weird that they were twins. They definitely didn't share the same bodily size.

The Forsaken Heiress

The Forsaken Heiress

Fantasy · AraneaeRuber

1 days ago

I'm so glad she isn't like some FL's that it becomes their default personality to fix or save everyone so when someone points out these flaws or issues, instead of reflecting and realizing their is some truth to what is being told, they instead double-down and refuse to let go making it their mission to "fix" everyone and everything.

"You're right," she muttered, "I'm sorry." 

To His Hell and Back

To His Hell and Back

Fantasy · mata0eve

1 days ago

So true.

"Idealistic it is to think that with trying everything could be fixed, birdie," Cassius turned as he made his remark, "Your words are very sweet, but they're nothing more than pretty little fantasies wrapped in hope."

To His Hell and Back

To His Hell and Back

Fantasy · mata0eve

1 days ago

Thank you! That is one of my biggest pet peeves is people who go "well, me and my siblings act like love and doves and puppy dog kisses so why can't you get along with yours" or " we'll, as a family, we get along so why can't yours?" and it's like, just because you have an amazing family dynamic doesn't mean everyone else will and one never knows what could have led to that fall out so to assume just because things are amazing with your family and friends so it should be for everyone else is very short-sighted. Also, some families thrive on the chaos. Others, occasionally getting together (rarely getting together) IS their normalcy and anything more than that is seen as excessive and could cause problems. So while it is nice Arabella is all Kumbaya and wants Cassius to get along with his family, some family simply aren't meant to be gotten along with and there is nothing wrong with that.

"That," he pointed, "You told me I should mend things with my sister because your relationship with yours is close and tight knit. But don't you see how idealistic that is? Not every bond can be mended, Arabella. Not every wound can heal."

To His Hell and Back

To His Hell and Back

Fantasy · mata0eve

1 days ago

Interesting but glad he saw the immediate problem other than the guards sleeping on the job.

"That fool, he didn't ask for any merchant seal," Cassius noted, "Which means this place is full of corrupted people. No wonder it's easy for someone dangerous to slip inside and sell things that they shouldn't." 

To His Hell and Back

To His Hell and Back

Fantasy · mata0eve

1 days ago

Poor bookie butt....if anything, that is the PERFECT place to hide because as she thinks, no one would expect a criminal to live someplace where they can't do their evil deeds. Unfortunately, we have numerous serial killers as examples of people who seemed like the guy or girl next door or were pillars in their communities and even either searched for the alleged killer or tried to calm them down, let them know the authorities would find this menace to the community knowing full well IT WAS THEM THE ENTIRE TIME! They just got off on the power to cause fear and also mitigate it.

"But this place doesn't look like it," sure it seemed somehow eerie but every town looks eerie at night and to be fair there were a lot of torches hung around which lessened the possibility of this place hoarding a dangerous entity. 

To His Hell and Back

To His Hell and Back

Fantasy · mata0eve