Webnovel Author: Aradhya_Majumder - Novel Collection



male LV 3

Professional Daydreamer, a total anime loving otaku

2021-01-22 Unido India

Emblemas 7

Moments 193


Lightsabers are the epitome of male fantasy. Don't dismiss them so easily!

Khai fought a smile as he followed her out of the dressing rooms. Elliot and George were goofing around with lightsabers, clearly uninterested in what was going on around them.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Women's dorms, ofc Elliot will be happy

Ana stepped out of room to find Elliot whistling a cheerful tune to himself in the hallway. He greeted her with a grin and walked out of the woman's dormitories in a lightness that seemed incongruous to his large personality.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Rarely Ana. But it does happen. Guys sometimes just fall too hard.

Ana gazed at him with a look of sympathy, nibbling on her slice of pizza. She was aware of the grueling day he had, yet he made the effort to meet her even waiting outside her room for her. She couldn't comprehend why he had such unwavering affections for her.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


The cured meat strikes again

The legacies had been training for a little over twelve hours and were allowed one break that lasted for an hour. During that time, they were provided with a meager meal, consisting of oatmeal and cured meat.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Monkeys. definitely monkeys. what else could it be?

Yuno scowled viciously before the two of them scanned the forest with their piercing golden eyes. Confirming that they were in the clear, the propelled themselves from the tree branch and made a run out of Arcane, swinging from vine to vine as they moved.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Stalker maybe?

She walked over to the window, her hand outstretched to close it against the breeze. Just as her fingers brushed the frame, she like she saw something was watching her from the dense forest beyond the glass.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Lol. Khai's thoughts are so endearing sometimes

Khai hated the idea of another man getting close to Ana. But he put her needs first because he knew how much she wanted to train. He would warn Elliot to have at least two feet of space between them at all times.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Let's goo!!! Khai!!! Woohoo!!! ....oh wait shh. Imma sneak off to the side. Let them have their moment.

Feeling like his heart might stop, Khai nudged Ana's head toward him and their lips connected into a kiss.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


It's fun seeing Natalie rage

"You should've seen her tonight! Her outfit, her dancing! She was seducing Khai the whole time. Her character is so unbelievably low. They whole school knows that Khai is going to marry me after we graduate from Arcane. I can't survive two years here watching them together! We need to stop her. NOW!" She screamed in frustration.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93



"You promise? That's great. I want you to keep Philip company tonight." He deadpanned.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Lol let her go for just a minute Khai...

The men thumped their backs as they greeted each other. Khai didn't let go of her hand as Ana attempted to half hug Austin. She smiled at Jen, who jumped out of her seat to hug her and Meghan.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Lol philip is so innocent. hahahaha

Philip nodded, lost in thought before he snapped his gaze back at Khai. "You wouldn't fight me if I asked her out?"

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93


Ah the classic chapel. Beautiful...

They made their way past the women's dormitories to the main building. As the reached the west wing of the main building, Ana followed Khai down a hallway that led to some stairs. The spiral staircase to the chapel was narrow and tightly wound. Ana saw that Khai had no more than four inches of clearing on either side him.

The Pure and The Corrupted

The Pure and The Corrupted

Fantasy · Pato93

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