good chapter , but will Indian team be the champion or runner up .. runner-up would be good or people will call it a rigged game..
excellent going .. do we expect to see a mass arrest for this politicians .??? and nothing personal but is it possible to call the cricketers who directly goes against it not the others who remain nutral for investigation to tell that what happened when you oppose the gov..
good chapter
how many chapter can we expect in a day....?
actually there were some questions I wanted to ask but forgot.,.. 1. aritra arrive in their home for katherine's birthday in audi right did his parents know about his money and company ..did I miss the chapter ..? 2. the leak from the employee can a small employee crack the very code create and fortified by AI and he(aritra ) Didn't make AI monitor his company all the time like it's growth and direction it's moving
excellent going .... don't forget a little military touch ... national strength is something that can help him withstand future global pressure if he introduce some extraordinary invention ....
or atleast don't do anything excessive like riots , burning etc.
good chapter, I suggest releasing some of their corruption evidence and videos now so that they couldn't make a comeback
good going ...
awesome 💯
India: The Legend of Aritra
Urban · noob_writer77