Webnovel Author: Remoon - Fanfic Collection



LV 4

I like creating new things.

2021-01-07 Unido Global

Emblemas 6

Moments 99

Replied to CrimsonPhoenix

Hello! I still don't know if I'll include romance in here but if I do, it might be not a harem one. I don't know if I can create multiple harem members with a personality because I know that will be hard for me. I'm afraid that I might just make the harem members plain, and I don't like that so maybe I'll just stick to only a single partner for the MC.

"Your Spirit Energy is exhausted. It's normal to feel tired from this. Your next training for the following days will only consist of this routine. You have to use the Spirit Body then exhaust your Spirit Energy. Now rest up, and when your Spirit Energy is filled up again, you will practice using the Spirit Body after. This routine will help your volume of Spirit Energy to increase. Of course, there is another way which is through eating a Balete Fruit but that's an expensive way to do." The old hag said while I was breathing heavily at the ground.

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Video Games · Remoon

Replied to Razish

Yup, Liz does not have a spirit body but she learned something similar without needing the spirit body. You'll know in the future chapters. ;)

"Your Spirit Energy is exhausted. It's normal to feel tired from this. Your next training for the following days will only consist of this routine. You have to use the Spirit Body then exhaust your Spirit Energy. Now rest up, and when your Spirit Energy is filled up again, you will practice using the Spirit Body after. This routine will help your volume of Spirit Energy to increase. Of course, there is another way which is through eating a Balete Fruit but that's an expensive way to do." The old hag said while I was breathing heavily at the ground.

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Video Games · Remoon

Replied to Sloth_King21

Thanks, I'll change it. 🙂

Replied to Pinguinmonster

Thanks, I'll change it. 🙂

Replied to Enlaw

Hehehehe ;)

"No need to be shocked. I was monitoring you from the start. Well, not actually me but my Gengar did. Say hi to them, Gengar." The old hag said, and the shadow of Liz suddenly deformed then turned into a Gengar.

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Video Games · Remoon

Replied to alphadragon

There are two levels in mastering moves which was mentioned by Jean(the first gym leader). The first one is Mastered Moves and the last level being the Perfected Moves.

His power level also increased to the intermediate level. This only happened 2 weeks ago, and I became proud from seeing it. His use of Confuse Ray also improved. It was faster, and has a larger radius compared to before. I think he'll perfectly master that move after 3 months or so. He also trained his usage of covering and removing the toxic liquid around his body. Before he can only do that after a few minutes, now he can immediately remove and cover it under a minute.

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Pokemon: Master of Poison

Video Games · Remoon

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