turdblossom - Profile


LV 12
2021-01-02 Unido Global

Emblemas 11

Moments 40


Let’s hope he never meets Goggins

And if I keep improving more, when I hit 100% body potential, I should live for at least a few million years especially with my regeneration and healing ability. Progress will be long but going slowly and steadily wins the prize, so I hear. I have managed to achieve constant progress of around 1-2% of unlocked potential per year, as the higher percentage comes, it'll get harder to unlock potential due to the restraints it has become to find ways to improve. After a few more hours, I finished my 6 hours at the gym, that completed around two thousand bicep curls, sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and 60 km treadmill run, in sets of course. I finally started feeling a little burn sensation all over my body muscles, seeing that it was getting close to 7 PM in the evening in which I realized I missed lunch, I decided to call it a night, for tomorrow will be a hectic and long day for me. Once I returned to my hotel room, I was starving, famished even. So, I ordered enough food to feed a whole family 0f five as a light snack, didn't want to overeat, 'hehe'. A more powerful body came with inconveniences to say the least when it came to energy consumption, I guess, I have to eat 4-6 times of food portions to keep a standard healthy diet these days, enough energy to keep the body at tip top shape. 

Crossing The Twilight the Awakening

Crossing The Twilight the Awakening

Movies · Roberto_0461


I’m sorry I did not see you there

Upon hearing Ichiraku's words, Jiryoku immediately stood up from his seat and bowed in the direction of Hiruzen. He said, "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama. I didn't know it was you."

Naruto: Blind Hyuga

Naruto: Blind Hyuga

Anime & Comics · Hkj


No one going to comment on the name

"I can't believe how big Watashinojinsei-dan Online has become. They are now partnering with the top food chains and my parents still won't let me get a pod," Zeyu groused as he stared at the news broadcast with shining eyes.

I Became an SSS-Ranked Chef in a VR Game

I Became an SSS-Ranked Chef in a VR Game

Games · Momocatt


No it’s not

"That would be illegal", Alex remarked, "And it'd get him thrown in jail".

Modern Family: Gacha

Modern Family: Gacha

TV · N_R_U


What I need a pic

The fairy-like features were not very prominent, but the most striking aspect was Naruto's hair, which resembled an upside-down Saiyan hairstyle, along with the two miniature horns on his head measuring five centimeters in length.

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker


Who puts ice with apple juice

Opening the fridge, Zephyr took out a carton of apple juice and poured it into a glass. After adding a few ice cubes, he took a few sips, enjoying the sensation of coolness he received. Downing the rest of the juice and leaving the ice cubes in the glass, he went outside to the garden, sitting down to look at the sky.

Modern Family: Gacha

Modern Family: Gacha

TV · N_R_U


Like minded people scary

Instead of struggling to integrate into such a rotten, interest-controlled community, he preferred to create his own hidden community where only like-minded people could enter and thrive. Anti-Muggle spells already existed, he just had to create a variant, it would be simple.

The Fifth House: Galegold

The Fifth House: Galegold

Book&Literature · Cadenadeaventuras


The old ones where indestructible

The engine roared as the tank accelerated with all of its power. This baby could go 0-60 in just a few seconds despite being so heavy. Let's just say that it made everything on Earth look like a Little Tykes truck.

Star Wars VRMMO: Galactic Expedition

Star Wars VRMMO: Galactic Expedition

Games · N3wman


They are nothing but annoying you can’t hard see them ly

[A/N: I am having trouble describing the damn thing, google it yourself]

Dragonborn Saga

Dragonborn Saga

Video Games · El_Don


Is anyone else hearing fortunet son

"Hold!" shouted the commander, raising his hand. The trees kept moving, the bushes started to shake uncontrollably, as if a herd of buffalo were running through the thick jungle.

Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Movies · mark_kiple


I call bull everyone knows all reincarnated are V

Funnily enough, one of the things that had improved the most, besides my physique and programming, was my sexual prowress. While I had been very well-practiced in the field(thanks to experience in my 'last' life), through my ability to always improve, I had become kind of a master in the field. I had Wanda to thank for that, as she had been a very willing training partner and still was.

Silverfire - A MCU Fan-Fiction

Silverfire - A MCU Fan-Fiction

Movies · GodOfFreedom


He wasn’t paying to much attention

Nick grinned widely at the interaction taking it as a personal victory while also mentally taking note of the girls answer since she really did have some nice looking hair. Smooth and silky dark brown with a nice reflectiveness to it. An odd thing to notice perhaps but Nick was a ring smith which required an extreme level of attention to detail. The Patil twins were far more interested in the school itself than their surrounds so he left them be. Terry Boot however was an oddball who actually sought Nick out once he saw him excitedly.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


Witch one is the real prison

"Link start!" However, as he entered the world of VR, he unknowingly just surrendered himself to a very prison-like reality...

Sword art online: Bonds

Sword art online: Bonds

Anime & Comics · Mark_D_Dragneel

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