Bit of an author's note: Apologies for the hiatus and all that, as I have been a bit busy with life as well as publishing this story onto Royal Road and get a backlog of chapters. The story might have died here because of that, I'm sure of it, but please understand that I do care about this story on this platform. It's just that I will be putting Royal Road as my primary platform for this WN, if you want to read further into the story and support it, I recommend making an account there and read it, it's free of charge and I go under the same name there, Cutie_Oni!
you're welcome!
Just a note, this review was written before the title change
another update, title change from Blessed Reveries to Immortal Reveries. Both go hard, but the latter fits more into the main gimmick of the main character.
Yo! Author here, this review is made as more of an Author's Note more than anything, but just telling y'all that this book I am writing is simply a part of a larger setting that I have made for several months now. I don't exactly know how long this book could be, no concrete estimates as I want to take the process of writing this with stride. I do know how the journey of our main character would end, but that is all. I just hope that you all can enjoy this story for what it is. After all, it is my first serious webnovel. Have a good life y'all!
Shameless plug in ong Author here! This review is made as a way for the readers of this fanfic to ask anything about the work as well as anything that's related to me as a writer. Basically, it's a QnA section!
Thanks for the review! When it comes to character writing I'm definitely planning them for the long haul, so apologies if the secondary characters may seem a bit bland at the moment.
An interesting premise certainly, the world itself lore wise is something I would like to know more about. The prose is a bit basic for me, but it does the job. Would like to see this improve.
Este livro foi excluído.
correction, the line after this should have a line break
Este livro foi excluído.
A very interesting concept, have read it on and off and all, but if developed further the potential for this story can definitely increase.