and imagine that being amplified by all 7 of his shadows. 🥶🥶🥶
Winter Beast.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
the seeker of truth was a fallen titan actually.
There stood an enormous creature. It was a scaled beast with three long necks and three terrifying maws, its enormous body framed by vast skeletal wings. A black miasma flowed from the numerous torn holes on its body, spreading slowly over the restless surface of dark water.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I'm fully expecting mimic to become an under dog when sunny becomes supreme and mimic transcends.
Saint, Serpent, Nightmare, Fiend, Mimic, and the slayer of the Shadow Realm.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I would say that Anvil is just being lenient with her. you can't defy someone if they aren't stopping you from doing something.
"A Supreme is someone who claims rulership over the world, or at least a part of the world. Their distinct trait is the authority they wield. Naturally, it takes a lot of audacity to lay claim to the world — after all, it already belongs to someone, and already submits to a higher authority. So, in my opinion, the very essence of Supremacy is defiance."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
seems like too huge of a stretch to be that. he'd have to have fated luck for such a huge twist.
forgotten shore
Had he not caught a ride on the shoulder of a giant once, only to be caught in the storm?
Fantasy · Guiltythree
*If it was anyone else I'd call there bluff but Vivian's certainly enthusiastic enough about everything that she might actually choose to have extra arms if she could.*
Fantasy · Vongrak
I love seeing such great arguments on topics I love.
"Leave the Tyrant to me. Today, I will be the condemned."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I think they meant ki song
"I will lead the subjugation force myself. And cut this creature down myself, as well."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I'm gonna make a random guess and say anvil's flaw is he sees imperfection in everything
Shadow Slave
Fantasy · Guiltythree