either fission or fusion, can't have both, the sun operates on fsion, the greatest energy release is between hydrogen and helium, in reality fusion stops producing energy at iron then it takes energy to fuse atoms into heavier atoms. Fission is the release of that energy put into fission those atoms that are after iron in the periodic element table apart like shooting a neutron into uranium 138/136? to split it into multiple atoms.
Howard then went on to explain how the Arc Reactor worked. "The Arc Reactor operates on the principle of clean and virtually limitless energy production. At its core, it's a fusion reactor, similar to the sun but on a much smaller scale. The blue blur you see is plasma, a state of matter where gases are superheated to the point where atoms split apart into ions and electrons."
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Just be original!
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sounds like the wim hoff meth od
After reaching a state of hyperventilation, Liam let out one last breath, the last before he was to endure one minute without oxygen.
Fantasy · CovidCandy
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its electric so very little sound…
*motorcycle engine sound
Anime & Comics · soldklad
I honestly don't know what to feel about it the names better than the Arrow, but I'm not even of Islamic or Hebrew decent. Then again being called Darcula is the worst I mean what it's so cliche and I feel like there might be the real Darcula out there.
TV · Booggie
is he related to Fury?
But that was just on the surface. Forces were moving. Some to destroy Valiant and others to use him. By far the most dangerous of them was Roland Cox, the leader of the Paladins. A group whose main goal was to kill Jumpers by any means necessary.
Movies · Saintbarbido
anyone else see midget wolverine in deadpool3 :/ lol
Looking down at thee Wolverine, who thankfully looks exactly like High Jackman, Victor had to retrain himself from fanboying.
I Am Doom (Marvel)
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever