

female LV 14
2020-10-23 Unido United States
Emblemas 8

Moments 4
1 years ago

Oh my goodness.. Can Bob and Nyla just be happy together already? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Might end up skipping a few chapters until that happens. 🤔🤔🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

2 years ago

I would like to give this novel a higher rating, but I'm waiting for Jett and Miffy to finally have a normal conversation about their feelings. Scarlett is, unfortunately, a little too childish a lot of the time and Mike let's it go. Hopefully those things change. I'll keep reading and hoping they don't take too much longer to grow and communicate better with each other. They'll all be much happier.. ❤❤

2 years ago

Terence, in an indirect way, starting to share his feelings makes me happy. However, I'm waiting for Esther to be strong, let him know she's in love with him, and stand up for their relationship. Stop giving another woman a chance to be alone with him. I'm glad his assistant is not another woman chasing after him and has been trying to help them see they are good for each other.. but it's time for the other woman to go. She has returned to often in too many chapters trying to separate them. Please don't let that and the "mysterious" previous wife (I have my suspensions on how she's connected to Esther) continue for too much longer. It gets too repetitive in a lot of other novels. Other than that, I am loving this novel! ❤❤

2 years ago

I love this novel! ❤❤ So far I'm not liking Serena's mother and sister. I really hope they don't ruin the relationship the Derek and Serena have like it seems they're already trying. It's so repetitive and predictable with so many other novels. The "owes" the other woman for this or that, somehow gets "trapped" into an affair, keeps their unhappy feelings to themselves, multiple chapters later getting back together, etc. Derek and Serena have already been through enough (the other woman, the misunderstandings, the years apart, etc.). Please, please let them stay strong together and finally have their "happily ever after"! ❤❤