

male LV 3

¡Hola a todos! Soy un autor que desea que mi trabajo sea disfrutado por mucha gente, siempre he estado buscando historias pero costaba mucho encontrar algo bueno, ¡Así que decidí hacerlo yo mismo!

2020-10-13 Unido Spain
Obras originais
Emblemas 7

Moments 56
4 months ago
Replied to StarParagon

Good theory!

When I get a Kronos Mortality, I will certainly use it on this body if I manage to get rid of this identity and escape this place.



Fantasy · rtrot320

4 months ago
Replied to StarParagon

At that point it's more efficient to make a spell. Unless you want to go one by one applying runes to each of them. It could be used (even though it can be a waste of materials), but it's certainly not something that you will see often

But the idea was quite useless; in fact, these weapons exist in some kingdoms and are given to the lower ranks of the army, hunters, etc. They are very limiting and not very versatile weapons, as well as predictable, since they only attack where they aim.



Fantasy · rtrot320

7 months ago
Replied to StarParagon

Can't tell you anything about it. You'll see what happens later on. But I like how you are making theories and trying to see how the story will go, keep it like that!

Most likely, in the future, most of my enemies will end up being other Mortalities, which would turn me into a typical case of an apprentice of everything, master of nothing... And that's not to mention my body, since now that my heart and magic circuitry are mature, that weakness will be greatly accentuated....



Fantasy · rtrot320

7 months ago
Replied to StarParagon

A Mortality is literally an aptitude, is just talent. It's the equivalent of having insanely good genetics, you can't simply steal Usain Bolt genetics to make you run fast, much less start fusing tons of genetics. Also, if you can run extremely fast, you can't be extremely heavy to lift extremely heavy weights, it's either one or the other, its's a matter of conlifct.

Most likely, in the future, most of my enemies will end up being other Mortalities, which would turn me into a typical case of an apprentice of everything, master of nothing... And that's not to mention my body, since now that my heart and magic circuitry are mature, that weakness will be greatly accentuated....



Fantasy · rtrot320

7 months ago
Replied to StarParagon

Also, to answer the other comment. A person can only hold one Mortality. If a Goetia Mortality appears, then that means that a really closely related person must be a Soma Mortality, usually a twin or a brother as it is said in this chapter. This is what I can say about it for now, you'll learn more about it in future chapters!

7 months ago
Replied to StarParagon

Let's see. Goetia and Soma are considered two different Mortalities, it's just that they are closely related to the other, they both form an unit. You can think of it as the ying and yang forming one, the ying cannot exist without the yang, the same happens with those two Mortalities. Hope that this explains your doubts! If it doesn't just say so. Thanks for reading and keep enjoying this novel!

9 months ago
Replied to MayoNutSpoonsies

I hope that you enjoy the novel!!

Este livro foi excluído.
9 months ago
Replied to MayoNutSpoonsies

Thanks! I'm glad that you liked the synopsis. And the answer to your question is no, there isn't any romance or harem with the MC.

Este livro foi excluído.
9 months ago

This mf...

Este livro foi excluído.
9 months ago
Replied to MR_SYUBHIO

Thanks! I hope that you enjoyed it. If you want you can leave a review, it always helps to improve... and it also helps to make the novel more popular!

Este livro foi excluído.
  • Arkhé original



    ... ... Arkhé... An endless search, a path without a goal, a horizon you cannot reach no matter how much you walk. For many, this is the definition of a passion for knowledge, the meaning of philosophy, as each answer obtained is the cause of questions of greater complexity and depth. For some, this is a senseless pursuit, for others, this is the goal that gives meaning to their existence. After a life of difficulties, a person like any other, mortal and fleeting, with their death already sentenced even before being granted life, achieved one more chance. A faithful follower of knowledge, for knowledge is power, as power is knowledge. With this new opportunity that he wove into reality, he will advance on his path without rest, not before mountains, oceans, and empires, he will not stop, not before the skies, earth, and death, he will not hesitate. For the purpose of life is that which satisfies you, that which allows you to depart without regrets. In his case, one goal shone above all, a life that he wanted to achieve: to understand reality and become immortal. Although two goals in the eyes of many, both go hand in hand. The omniscient can and must obtain omnipotence to reach that height, while the omnipotent can and must obtain omniscience for it, just as there is no result without a cause. Morality, legality, and human relationships, they are but classifications and disciplines of society by which he ceased to be governed long ago, for as tools they are only there to be used and discarded once they lose their utility. But, in the end, he is just a mortal, like any other... This is a path without any future, the possibilities of dying, being forgotten over time, were the same as any other mortal who had died by his hands, directly or indirectly. However, whether or not he arrives at his unattainable goal, an epic death or a miserable end, no remorse will be left behind, for he'll live his life as he wants, and truly, its the journey, life itself, that brings happiness... ... ... ‎ ‎ ________________________________________ ‎ ‎ ... [WSA 2024] I hope that you enjoy the novel! Please vote and comment if you liked it, I always read them and often answer! Have a nice read!

    10 Chs 8 Coleções

  • Arkhé (Spanish) original

    Arkhé (Spanish)


    … … Arkhé… Una búsqueda interminable, un camino sin meta, un horizonte que no puedes alcanzar sin importar cuánto camines. Para muchos, esta es la definición de la pasión por el conocimiento, el significado de filosofía, pues cada respuesta obtenida es la causa de preguntas de mayor complejidad y profundidad. Para algunos, esta es una búsqueda sin sentido, para otros esto es el objetivo que da sentido a su existencia. Tras una vida de dificultades, una persona, como cualquier otra, mortal y caduco, con su muerte ya sentenciada incluso antes de ser otorgado la vida, como cualquier otro, logró una oportunidad más. Un fiel seguidor del saber, pues conocimiento es poder, mientras que poder es conocimiento. Con esta nueva oportunidad que el mismo tejió en la realidad, avanzará por su camino sin descanso, ni ante montañas, océanos e imperios, no se detendrá, ni ante los cielos, tierra y muerte, no titubeará. Pues el propósito de la vida es aquel que te satisfaga, aquel que te permita irte sin remordimientos. En su caso, un objetivo brillaba, sobre todo, una vida que le divertía seguir: entender la realidad y volverse inmortal. Aunque dos objetivos a ojos de muchos, ambos van de la mano. El omnisciente puede y debe obtener la omnipotencia para llegar a esa altura, mientras que el omnipotente puede y debe obtener la omnipotencia para ello, al igual que no hay resultado sin causa. Moral, legalidad y relaciones humanas, clasificaciones y disciplinas de la sociedad por las que él dejó de regirse desde hace tiempo, pues como herramientas, solo están allí para ser utilizadas y descartadas una vez pierdan su utilidad. Pero, al fin y al cabo, él es solo un mortal, como cualquier otro… Este es un camino sin futuro alguno, las posibilidades de morir, siendo olvidado con el paso del tiempo, eran iguales que las de cualquier otro mortal que había muerto a sus manos, directa o indirectamente. Sin embargo, ya acabe en su meta inalcanzable, en una muerte épica o en una muerte miserable, ningún remordimiento quedará atrás, pues vivió su vida tal y como la quiso y, verdaderamente, es el camino, la misma vida, lo que da la felicidad… … …

    10 Chs 6 Coleções

  • -System and Reincarnation- original

    -System and Reincarnation-


    Accidents are something far more common than you'd think, yet I never really thought I'd be in one... specially an airborn one. (My POV) As I fell down from the plane, I screamed my lungs out naturally panicked due to my certain death coming up, but then suddenly it felt as if time had slowed down . Before my eyes a shining rectangle appeared, a message of sorts that I thought only I could read: "You have been chosen to migrate to another universe, Dragon Ball, you will be under the laws and sistems of said place, and will be given a new body you can customize one and only once, do you accept?" I quickly hit the "accept" option and time resumed normally, and yet, I kept falling just as moments ago. And so I somehow managed to scream louder, so much so I thought my vocal cords were gonna tear. My only hopes faded the moment time came back to it's normal speed and gravity kept working. My agony ended when the plane we were in crashed onto the ground causing a massive explosion, of which I could only hear a faint rumbling before blacking out. I saw nothing but a great black void, couldn't feel, couldn't see, couldn't hear, I didn't even really know if I was breathing or not, if my heart was pulsing or not...

    24 Chs 109 Coleções

  • -System and Reincarnation- (Spanish) original

    -System and Reincarnation- (Spanish)



    Los accidentes son algo que ocurre muy a menudo en el mundo, pero, nunca imaginé que yo estaría en uno... Y encima en un accidente aéreo. (POV yo) Mientras caía del avión, estaba gritando sumergido en el pánico ante mi inminente destino, pero de repente, el tiempo comenzó a fluir mucho más lento. Ante mis ojos apareció una especie de rectángulo a modo de mensaje que al parecer solo yo podía ver y leer: "Fuiste elegido para transmigrar hacia un nuevo universo, Dragon Ball, donde estarás sometido a nuevas reglas, sistemas y a un nuevo cuerpo que podrás elegir. ¿Aceptas?". Rápidamente apreté en aceptar y el tiempo comenzó a volver a la normalidad pero... Nada ocurrió. Comencé a gritar mucho más fuerte, tanto que creía que se me iban a romper las cuerdas vocales. Mis esperanzas se habían disipado en el mismo momento en el que el tiempo se reanudó y continúe cayendo. Mi agonía acabó cuando el avión colisionó contra el suelo provocando una gran explosión de la cual solo pude notar un leve estruendo tras él. No vi nada, solo un gran vacío, no podía sentir, ver u oír nada, ni siquiera sabía si estaba respirando, en movimiento o si yo estaba vivo o muerto...

    27 Chs 454 Coleções

  • Un Nuevo Mundo (BNHA) (Remake) original

    Un Nuevo Mundo (BNHA) (Remake)


    Los accidentes son algo que ocurre muy a menudo en el mundo, pero, nunca imaginé que nosotros estaríamos en uno...Y encima en un accidente aéreo. (Pov yo) Mientras caía del avión, estábamos gritando sumergidos en el pánico ante nuestro inminente destino, pero de repente, el tiempo comenzó a fluir mucho más lento y ante nuestros ojos apareció una especie de rectángulo a modo de mensaje que al parecer solo nosotros podíamos ver y leer: "Fuisteis elegidos para transmigrar hacia un nuevo universo, Boku no Hero Academia, donde estaréis sometidos a nuevas reglas, sistemas y a un nuevo cuerpo que podréis elegir ¿Aceptáis?" Rápidamente apretamos en aceptar y el tiempo comenzó a volver a la normalidad pero... Nada ocurrió. Empezamos a gritar mucho más fuerte, tanto que creía que se me iban a romper las cuerdas vocales. Nuestras esperanzas se habían disipado en el mismo momento en el que el tiempo se reanudó y continuamos cayendo, nuestra agonía acabó cuando el avión colisionó contra el suelo...

    2 Chs 21 Coleções